Let’s get silly-serious!

11 Apr

“The pig, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. You shall not eat any of their flesh nor touch their carcasses. -Duet 14:8

I said that I had a vision of a piggy, and an evil spirit… God then told me to command the evil spirit to go into the swine… Hmm sounds scriptural right?
(Mat 8:31-31 & Mark 5:12-13)

This message will be kind of a mixed up bunch of visions- dreams- messages and truths.. and since we just celebrated Easter, a day many eat ham (dead pig carcass) I thought it was time to share some of my silly and serious messages with this.. first off though I wish to share how the pagen holiday-Easter came about… Let’s get silly-serious for a moment!
“The Bible tells of of this man, Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”Nimrod became a god-man to the people and Semiramis, his wife and mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy, and his body was cut in pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom.Semiramis had all of the parts gathered, except for one part that could not be found.That missing part was his reproductive organ. Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without it and told the people of Babylon that Nimrod had ascended to the sun and was now to be called “Baal”, the sun god.Queen Semiramis also proclaimed that Baal would be present on earth in the form of a flame, whether candle or lamp, when used in worship.Semiramis was creating a mystery religion, and with the help of Satan, she set herself up as a goddess.Semiramis claimed that she was immaculately conceived.She taught that the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle and ovulated when full.She further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River.This was to have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox.Semiramis became known as “Ishtar” which is pronounced “Easter”, and her moon egg became known as “Ishtar’s” egg.”Ishtar soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to conceive.The son that she brought forth was named Tammuz.Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion, because Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Baal. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.Queen Ishtar told the people that Tammuz was now ascended to his father, Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the sacred candle or lamp flame as Father, Son and Spirit.Ishtar, who was now worshipped as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”, continued to build her mystery religion.The queen told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.She also proclaimed a forty day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz.During this time, no meat was to be eaten.Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the “T” in front of their hearts as they worshipped.They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a “T” or cross on the top.Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration was made.It was Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.”

Ok- now that you know why eggs- bunnies and ham is a part of the pagan holiday Easter, lets move on.

Lets start with the fact that I have been praying and researching epilepsy, ever since my youngest suffered a seizure as a small child- it has always been something I felt the need to research. Hers was not one of the epileptic kind, but hers was due to a quick temperature change in her body, as her body temp rose during a nap in a 40 minute time span, causing her body to spasm and her brain to malfunction. As the doctors explained that once her temp rose, (due to a ear infection undetected by me) it cause her brain to react. She has never had another since, however, my enquiring mind wanted to know “what is the cause” because if we can find the cause we can find the cure. God is good to show us both. God healed us at the cross of all things, but we must discover what it is that causes us to get sick in the first place- and what is it that hinders or causes us to lose our healing. Again- if we can find the cause-we can find the cure.

Is the cause always going to be the same in every case (every individual) most likely not! But again, God is good to show us the cause and it is then up to us to remove this cause or hindrance or do whatever it takes to see this healing come to pass, and to do whatever it takes to keep our healing! Christ died for us to KEEP our healing and to walk in Divine health. If we are sick or suffering we are not living the cross out to its complete works!

When I went to God about my step dads cancer, he made it clear quickly and showed me a vision of Dad holding a hunted dear, and God simply said, “meat” He showed me many visions, and personal answers in His words, Answers I would of never seen had I kept the doctrinal mindset! I had to set aside all doctrines and belief and simply let God speak to me! Since this time, I have researched the connection of meat and Pancreatic and many other cancers, and the visions God showed me are exactly what the research is showing me too. I don’t ponder that it can simply be coincidence, I prayed, I seeked, I knocked and God answered by simply showing me!
” Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.- Mat 7:7-8

You’ve got to let God make His word personal to you, not just a doctrine, theology or belief, but let Him speak to you in this day and age!
The best piece of advice my Pastor ever gave me was not to take everything so seriously!

So I try to simply let God speak to me, whether it seem silly or serious.. I Just let Him do the talking.. I do ask, and then I wait for Him to speak, and when He speaks, I simply listen, react and do whatever I must do, with His help of course!

OK, does that mean that everyone that has pancreatic cancer that this is the cause? NO, but I am confident enough to say, if someone has any cancer- it would be smart to remove ALL animal proteins out of their diet, all bad sugars, all bad fats, all bad cholesterol, and all junk food. As God showed me the scripture that “the weak eat vegetables only”,(Rom 14:2) simply showed me that if someone is sick enough to be on their death bed, that to go back to the garden way of eating would be all the healing they need, and a detox greatly needed at this point in time. Chemo, radiation, pills and procedures should not always be the answer.To fill someone with toxins while they are full of toxins, just makes no sense. Cancer cannot live in a alkaline body, only an acidic body can even get cancer. Animal proteins are acidic, plant life is not! Seems so simple, you’d have to pay someone to help you misunderstand. -AW. So why don’t doctors share this info? They either don’t know about it, or they don’t care, they are taught to fix people by pills and procedures period. It’s also about money. All this needs prayer! It’s a messed up system.

We are so quick out of fear to go the doctors in the ‘norm’ pill and procedure route, and yet consider a Vegan lifestyle is extreme, it’s not extreme- it’s smart and it’s scriptural. If God made us all vegetarians, including all the animals in the beginning, then why would we ever think it isn’t the perfect health plan? or that it can’t be done, Remember that when Christ returns, we return to the ‘beginning and garden type of life again anyway. What was in the beginning will be in the end, Jesus is the alpha and omega, beginning and the end. Read (Isa 11)

OK, now my point- back to the piggy vision… God showed me a piggy and then he showed me some demons.. said cast the demons into the pig.. scriptural right… but then he showed me a woman on an operating table, and her scalp was wide open and her brain was exposed, she suffered from Epilepsy, Alzheimer and MS.. in this vision it showed holes in her brain as would in all three of these diseases.. but what was so shockingly gross was the worms that were all through her brain. God then showed me that it was ‘meat’ that carried these worms, and these worms that continuously lived and breaded in the woman’s brain causing all these diseases.. I then researched this out and did find some interesting articles..and a couple videos… check this one out..

The problem with pork:

Many people declare today that pork is safe to eat in modern times. I disagree. Pigs eat enormous amounts of food, and this dilutes the hydrochloric acid in pig’s stomach. This in turn allows toxins, viruses, parasites, and bacteria to be absorbed into the animals flesh. Swine eat garbage, feces, and decaying flesh. Pigs readily harbor parasites including Trichinella, the pork tapeworm, and toxoplasmosis. Swine are one of the creatures that God apparently intended to be cleansers of the toxins of the earth. What they consume is to a great extent what we should not consume!

Had the swine been clean animals, Jesus would never of allowed the demons to enter them. By sending demons into the swine, He was simply making unclean meat even more unclean. In Roman area’s they routinely sacrificed swine to the god below, Satan.

Pig is also a very fatty meat, and the toxins in pork are held especially in the fat, which is not isolated from the meat, but is dispersed throughout, meaning the meat and fat cannot be easily separated. Animal fat is not healthy to eat.

Ok… well I say this little piggy says, “eat in good health, I’m silly-serious!”

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