Clarion call! ! A valiant warrior!

23 Apr

Clarion  Call!!

Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. “For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. -Mat 13:16 &17

I had this word spoke over me as a young girl… I knew instantly when I heard it that it was truth… however, I hadn’t a clue exactly what it meant nor how deep of a truth it would turn out to be.

I have had many prophesies spoken over me.. many words that have come to pass!I can honestly say that I see God’s hand on my life from within my mothers womb till this very moment. What I can get a grip on is how precise and profound He and these prophecies are!

As I have keep many written prophecies on my refrigerator.. I keep it tucked behind my step dad’s picture for safe keeping, as one of the words are from him, as He spoke these words to me, “You are a part of something Big; Never let anyone or anything take that from you!”

He spoke these words to me in a dream after he departed. So yes, I can say that I was brought to heaven to be held by him and comforted by him, and his sweet words reassuring me that I was gonna be ok. His words to me where to be tucked into my heart and never let go of!

Many have tried to tell me to not talk of my ‘trips’ to heaven.. as if I’m breaking some religious rule, or as if I’m seeking out ungodly council and contacting a medium to conger up some dead spirits or something.. but let me just say, “That’s silly” God says, that nothing can separate us… He also says He is the peace beyond understanding, and that what we prayer for, believing we shall receive! All scriptural facts!

As I am still working on a lesson about dreams and visions… I keep stalling, I keep losing my grip, so much is being thrown at me from the left and from the right, and from places I almost can’t fathom; Although God ALWAYS forewarns me about every attack coming my way, I still am pondering how is it coming to this? Why are so many turning against me and ‘shockingly’ letting Satan get a foothold? *Someone said to me the other day that these ‘for-warnings’ that I get are because I have a STRAIGHT Connection to heaven!” I thought that was awesome! 🙂

However, I had to questioned all these attacks, and then as I once again peeked at my Dad protected prophesies on the fridge.. this one jumped out at me… “Know that there is a GREAT SEPARATION that must take place to overthrow the enemy ahead who has been coming and taking away at the opportune time. I must rearrange my peoples call so that their opportunity will be seen in a different way. Hear, today, the clarion call and know that it is a Gideon time upon my people.”

I guess what really hurts is this great separation shouldn’t have to be, but as the word says, ”  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in theheavenly places. -Eph6:12

I simply have to stand firm on this fact, that God knows best and His will- will prevail one way or another.

As I re-read this word this afternoon, I realize that just as Clarion call was called to deliver many, and Gideon constantly needed reassurance from God…. So Gideon said to Him, “If now I have found favor in Your sight, then show me a sign that it is You who speak with me. -Jud 6:17

Even after seeing God face to face He still ased for reassurance….
When Gideon saw that he was the angel of the LORD,he said, “Alas, O Lord GOD! For now I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face.” -v.22

Not only did Gideon ask for a sign, but he asked for specific signs, And God answers them precisely! And no God did not burn him up for asking for these signs, He simply gave him these signs exaclty as asked. Isn’t God awesome! -v 36-40

This is exactly how I am with God, I asks for Him to show me precisely, and I even asks with specifics- to the T, and He always answers precisely to the T!

My biggest challenge is not in knowing that God has chose me simply because He loves me, but that He keeps choosing me even when I keep asking over and over and over.. “ya sure Daddy, you trust me with something so big?”
Then the vision of Heaven comes back to me… “You are a part of something Big; Never let anyone, or anything take that away from you!” Including my own fear, doubt and insecurity; Nor will any other obstacle stop this prophecy from coming to pass! No matter how much pruning and ‘winnowing’ He must do, HIS WILL -WILL BE DONE!

God also showed me this.. He said through another spoken word just recently… “You will speak of your visions in Heaven with others!” And He reassured me with the fact that if Paul and John were brought to heaven to ‘see thing that must take place’ and even though Paul exclaims he “seen and heard things that no man can speak” … God says, “I have brought you also to my heavenly places to ‘see things that must take place”… -my assignment is to speak of these things, which no man can speak…. because the opening scripture of this letter was:
Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. “For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. -Mat 13:16 &17

If I get to see and hear these things, then He surly wishes for me to speak of them… when He asks!

I have been having dreams and visions with interpretation since I was in the crib.. I kid you not.. I could remember seeing the spiritual realm since I can recall life itself. I can honestly say that once this word was spoken over me it almost gave me peace and insight into this spiritual eyesight that God has so graciously entrusted me with! I do believe that He gives all this gift to some degree.. however, I also believe one must constantly seek God, even if its to ask over and over, “are ya sure daddy?” But in order to grow and mature in any part of life, one must always keep growing.. so that is all I can do is keep growing in the LORD, and to keep going in this Clarion Call, to deliver many!!! Starting with myself! Time for a fresh day of deliverance.. well tomorrow anyway.. heading to bed peeps!

Sweet ‘dreams and visions’ to all and to all a Good NIGHT! 😀

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