Archive | May, 2012

A three part Team! ~ The GREAT trio!

24 May

A three part Team! ~ The GREAT trio!

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.- 1 Th 5:23

A while back I said I wished to share on antibodies, antibiotics and probiotics… however, I never did share my Revelatory wisdom that I have received from prayer and meditation and experience on this issue. And during a Health Coaching meeting (event) last-night the topic on probiotics was brought up.. and it re-enlightened me to this subject once again; mainly because of the misconception (half- or misguided truths in this area, which tend to bring people out of ‘eating’ balance and moderation with YOGURT!

So with all that said, I will continue….

Firstly, we all know that antibodies are what keep us healthy – they are our illness and disease fighting agents.
Secondly, When we get sick we sometimes are put on an antibiotic, in which throws our body out of balance, disrupting our digestive intestinal flora (harmless microorganisms (as Escherichia coli) that inhabit the intestinal tract and are essential for its normal functioning.)
Thirdly, this is where probiotics come into the mix; they counterbalance the effects of the antibiotics, and correct our intestinal flora. Okay, now I will not get scientifically or medically deep with this, just a simple (I hope to keep it simple) enlightenment into this three-part team, I like to call the ‘Great trio.’

My questions on this matter rose when I myself changed my lifestyle, “the way I ate” and I quickly realized that after giving up Dairy, my past of “too much yeast” in my system seemed to resolve itself.. (again that word resolve!) Complete health will never come, even with all the faith- healing- believing in the world, if we don’t ‘RESOLVE” the contributing factor or factors. We need to recognize, remove and resolve .. (another three-part team, trio!) 🙂

Now without getting too deep I have a few facts to share…

It’s not only illness that causes this, but many other contributing factors, including Any poisoning or chemicals in our food or drinking water can hurt our intestinal flora, and reduce it in both amount and quality.We always have a certain ratio between the good and harmful (pathogenic) bacteria in our bodies. In normal conditions the ratio is relatively stable and we don’t have what is called dysbiosis, but often it is not the case.According to various studies tens of millions Americans have intestinal dysbiosis and don’t even know about it. An overgrowth of bad bacteria is linked to the following health problems:

* often diarrhea
* yeast infections
* various skin itches and other skin rashes
* gingivitis
* halitosis (bad breath)
* bladder infections
* immune leading to auto immune disorders
* colon cancer.
* breast cancer.

Read more:

Ok- what my enlightenment was, was this… I suffered *yeast infections and bladder infections in the past, quite often. My family history is Hugh in those two areas, some family members have NEVER been without a yeast or bladder infection, living a lifetime of suffering, also causing many other dysfunctions, disorders and disease.. (those three d’s are another three-part team from the enemy there!) :/ Two of my three children suffered in this area also. 😦

Anyway, It wasn’t until I took that huge lifestyle change on “what I ate!” When I so easily (by the HOLY SPIRITS leading) gave up ALL ANIMAL products; a HUGE BLESSING in disguise! However, it was the area of dairy that God showed me had the most ill-effects in this area , and was the primary cause of my yeast and bladder infections. It was so eye-opening and enlightening to receive that awesome medical knowledge towards my own health from my excellent physician Jesus! 🙂

Now onto what I wish to share about the misguidance and out of balance eating we do with yogurt.. If I kept eating dairy yogurt to keep my intestinal flora healthy I would of NEVER seen the results I had with ridding myself of yeast and bladder infections. The fact for me was that since I no longer eat any animal products, therefore causing me to eat more fruits and veggies (which are what buildup our immune system – creating and keeping healthy our anti-bodies) then there is not need for antibiotics to be placed into my system, (also by not consuming any animal product- I am not eating hormones from the animal)….
*on a side note: because of the usage of hormones in animals- it is causing a resistance to antibiotics anyway- also don’t be misguided to think drinking or eating organic dairy will help this- because the fact is ALL dairy cows are kept impregnated in order to produce milk- through producing milk- HIGH AMONTS OF HORMONES ARE ALWAYS present! Prolactin HORMONES are what MILK comes from! ~I EMPHASIZE this because I understand the “prolactin” hormone all to well. (My pituitary tumor-knows this all to well)…
anyway, because of the fact that I eat NO animal sources, and I eat Veggies in abundance- I don’t need as much probiotics to keep my intestinal flora in balance.. my eating habits do this job for me. I do still need some.. and I do like yougurt- so I discoverd coconut milk based yogurt! YUM!! I’m Coo-coo for COCONUTS what a blessing! 😉

Okay without dragging this out much longer… I just wanted to share that eating yogurt daily is NOT the answer, and in many cases will wreck havoc on anyone’s system. We need to realize a healthy balance in all things. I suggest that you KNOW your body! Study your body, and listen to your body. If you are not walking in Divine health- then what your doing thus far is not working; therefore, keep speaking to and seeking your body for signals.. (allow the HOLY SPIRIT to enlighten you to YOUR RESOLVE!)

If we can keep our bodies in balance by “what we eat” then we don’t need so much probiotics in our system. There are many forms of probiotics out there; think outside the yogurt container.. research and experiment with different food and supplements in this area. Listen to your body and live in good health!

I do drink very rarely now, Kombucha- which is a Wonder Drink – that is a tart, sparkling
fermented tea; Its naturally occurring acids can help detoxify and energize the body.

I also once a week drink a effervescent formula probiotic dietary supplement. I drink the effervescent drink (Airborne formula) without probiotic the other 6 days of the week to keep my immune system strong. It contains herbs, vitamins & minerals that makes it a three-part team (trio) that fights a good health battle within. Let’s just say I haven’t had the flu, a cold, nor even a sniffle in years. So I do highly recommend this supplement.

Okay, I am now finished! So go ye, therefore and “eat yourself” into Good health! And it’s always in a three-part team.. body, soul & spirit, through Faith, Food & Fitness, by the power of The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit!

Hallelujah- Yes & Amen! 😉


One Step at a Time!

18 May

One Step at a Time!

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.-3 John 1:2

As I have been in prayer and meditation on Bladder tumors, seeking all natural healing cures, God has enlightened me to a few things.. firstly the bladder is our liquid remover, meaning it removes liquids from our bodies. Our bodies must rid itself of liquid, and it is important that the body get lots of liquids, therefore God showed me that it is crucial to drink lots and lots of water. We all have heard how important it is to stay hydrated, yet so many of us still do not get enough Water in a day, and some don’t even drink water at all.

I for one used to tell myself that I get enough water out of my coffee and teas, I was only deceiving myself; caffeinated drinks actually dehydrate us, and cause us to starve our bones, organs, blood, and body from a life saving and life building necessity. The human body can survive months without food, but it can only go a few days without water. As my last post was on His “healing waters” I cannot emphasize enough how much we could improve our health by that one easy step, DRINK MORE WATER; It’s all healing!

I for one, have finally kicked my coffee habit, and I don’t drink any other caffeinated drinks, I do however, drink herbal teas, green teas and other non-caffeinated teas. Herbal teas are healing too.

Also I mentioned my Tea Tree oil baths.. this I highly recommend to anyone that has any bladder problems, or for anyone that may experience excess yeast in the body. Just a few tiny drops into the bath as it fills- goes a long way, and does wonders; it also smells so nice, it’s has such a relaxing scent to it.

As I am reading my first book towards my nutritional degree, “drug-less practitioner” (I LOVE saying that,”Drug-less Practitioner” as apposed to “Practicing Medicine”) – anyway, I am on the chapter titled, “The Integrative Nutrition Plan: 12 steps to Health” That I wish to share,

1. Drink more water…
2. Practice cooking (As opposed to eating out!)
3. Increase whole grains (Do not avoid Carbs- just eat healthy whole grain carbs.)
4. Increase sweet vegetables (this helps reduce sweet cravings.)
5. Increase leafy green vegetables
6. Experiment with protein (meaning – meat is not the only source) [and as you all know me, If you are in ill health, delete all animal products, detox and go veggie crazy.. Immunity building blocks to ‘save your life’ and to ‘heal your body!’]
7. Eat less meat, dairy, sugar, and chemicalized, artificial junk foods; consume less coffee, alcohol and tobacco.
8. Develop easy and reliable habits to nurture your body.
9. Have Healthy relationships that support you.
10. Find physical activity you enjoy and do it regularly.
11. Find work you love or a way to love the work you have.
12. Develop a spiritual practice.

This list is ideal for all people, however, I know it is hard to do it all at once, start with just one step at a time, the key is to keep stepping up the ladder.

To get through the hardest journey we need only take one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping. – Chinese Proverb

That is just the book knowledge that I received towards this, but now this is what God showed me in this particular prayer request, as I always seek personal word for personal situations and specific people.

For bladder health, Eat lots of Greens to exult Immunity and is the quickest way to healing. Cruciferous vegetables are the best, Some examples would be Broccoli, an Cauliflower, Grape seed extract is another one that helps aid in bladder healing. If the person has had surgery to remove tumors, mistletoe toe extract is a good defense to fight off returning tumors.

Selenium is a mineral that is highly important towards bladder health, this is also an important mineral for thyroid functioning and aids the immune system. This mineral is found in many types of fish.. however, considering a necessary detox, I would not suggest any fish; therefore, I will list whole – plant base form foods: Spinach, Broccoli, Brazil nuts, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Sunflower and sesame seeds. But specifically when I prayed- God showed me potatoes… healthy organic rinsed and steamed or baked potatoes. (Regular and sweet.)

Other foods that help the bladder would be Berries, Vegetables and Whole grains.

Berries are ideal because they are antioxidant-rich, or disease-fighting, fruits; blueberries and cranberries provide substances that prevent the binding of harmful bacteria in the bladder that can lead to infections.Since antioxidants are associated with reduced risk for cancer and other diseases, berries may provide a valuable dietary tool toward strengthening the immune-system and preventing or combating bladder-related diseases. In addition to blueberries and cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries also provide valuable amounts of antioxidants. A variety of fresh, colorful berries consumed regularly may prove most beneficial.

Vegetables are known for their high numbers of nutrients, including antioxidants, and for their rich fiber content. The CTCA recommends vitamin C and beta-carotene for individuals with bladder cancer or to help prevent bladder cancer. Valuable vegetable sources of vitamin C include red bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. The antioxidant beta-carotene is prevalent in hot chilies, spinach, kale, mustard greens, carrots, turnips, cabbage, pumpkin, water cress and sweet potatoes. High-fiber vegetables, which may help prevent UTIs, include potatoes, yams, squash and beans. The Harvard School of Public Health recommends at least nine servings of vegetables and fruits per day–the amount found in roughly 4 1/2 cups. One serving of vegetables is equal to approximately 1 cup of fresh vegetables or 1/2 cup cooked.

Whole grains, such as oats, spelt, bulgur, whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, wild rice and popcorn, provide significant amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also provide rich amounts of dietary fiber, which is recommended by the UMMC and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) as optimum food choices for people experiencing UTIs and bladder cancer. Examples of whole grain-rich foods include old-fashioned oatmeal, whole grain cold cereals, 100-percent whole grain breads, pasta and rice dishes and barley or wild rice soup.
( -Foods that Help Your Bladder.)

Things to highly avoid would be Fried foods, especially animal fats and sugars! I just read this on a post today, “The only thing in your body that likes sugar, besides your taste buds, is Cancer!” Sugar is the leading cause to disease and inflammation in the body!

So I wish to end it here: find your ph levels, feed your body alkaline foods to combat acidic levels in the body, detox out toxins, by drinking lots and lots of water, and feed the body more greens then ever before to build up immunity and fight off disease. Stay active, and always remember to feed your spirit! God is good, and is our healer!

‘Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.- Jer 33:6

Yes and Amen!

Healing Waters

16 May

Healing Waters!!

But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage;your faith has made you well.” At once the woman was made well. -Mark 9:22

As I have been suffering Back pain since January, I had asked many of you for your prayers. I have been seeking the Lords healing and council, I have refused to go the ‘practicing medicine route’ I only see a chiropractor and I heal all by prayers, and enlightened wisdom through dreams, visions and words of Godly wisdom; I know all natural healing and medicine is in God’s earthly foods; therefore, I eat only what God tells me to eat; I do not have any trouble in this area, for I just keep submitting it to God. Because I earnestly desire this wisdom, He is so kind as to keep enlightening me!

As I spoke a recently how God led me to take a bath in Epsom Salt and Tea tree Oil, I have seen Drastic results. As of yesterday I realized I had very little back pain, mainly just some tightness, but this morning as I took my scheduled Epsom/ Tea tree oil Bath, I sat under Healing scriptures from Cecil and Lisa Paxton-And Instantly I knew I was healed. I was healed in His healing waters! 🙂

The most awesome part was that I have been in deep and serious prayer for a neighbor that has recently found out that he has a tumor on his bladder…. Almost immediately God said to me, “share what I’ve called you to share- through your healing ministry of Faith- Food & Fitness!” The other day, Lisa Paxton prophesied over all of Chairs Indiana Students, as she said to me, “Just continue doing ‘what I’ve called you to do'” and then simply kept saying, “Faithful, faithful, faithful!” This spoke volumes to me! The encouragement that it gave me- allowed me to KNOW that I am not going to be talked out of a deeper calling into God’s healing plan!

He reminded me of what He said to me the other day, “You need to live long.. you are called to do ‘my works’ and to reach many, your kids need you to live long also.. so this passion is one of the greatest passions I’ve placed in you..and it all goes with the gift of healing.. to be healed takes faith in what I (Jesus)did, to keep healing takes My wisdom.”

As I sat soaking in this healing bath, God enlightenment me to the fact that losing my mother prematurely to ananeruism created such a zeal in me that I went into the ministry to learn more of God’s healing power, and the passion to share it with others ignited a fire in me that won’t be put out. Then He showed me how losing my step dad to cancer ignited a passion to become a ‘drugless practitioner- holistic healing life coach.’ Now that’s a mouthful) LOL

I realize had I not listened to God when He closed some doors in my life to pursued me to move forward as He called me to another church and another body of Christ, that I would not of heard this encouraging prophecy, nor met my mentor into this nutritional school – and I would not of also had two other prophecies that God has showed me in the past, to come to pass had I not left one place called ‘there’ and entered another place called ‘there.’

All this is so awesome, and I have so much more to share about my morning visions in the healing bath.. I have had some wisdom poured into me about Bladder cancer and the healing thereof…. but I will meditate on that some more, and keep my neighbor in prayer. -Thanks!

For now I must take my completely healed body off to Pilates Class- for If I don’t consistently practice what I preach I would simply be a hypocrite.

So this Faithful Daughter will go to class in total peace.. to spread and share some of this peace with others.. .for one HUGE vision God has given me is that many will be healed in my shadow! – Yes and Amen!!

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” -Luke 8:48

Walk in Divine healing- live in divine Grace and grow in divine wisdom

Use your World Changing Weapons!

4 May

Use your world Changing weapons!!

Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, you must do all for the Glory of God. – 1 Cor 10:31

  I am happy to announce that I am one more step closer to starting my nutritional courses. It’s funny how I enrolled over 6 months ago, started the process, was given a starter list… started my own researching, I even had clients so to speak.. practice with people willing to allow me to guide them into a healthful life;  Body, soul and Spirit. I had an interview.. then it all was paused.. my counselor would miss my calls, I would miss her calls, we just simply did not ever connect. I was still not sure if this school was the one. I had prayed about this for a LONG time, God had placed this passion on my heart when my step dad was diagnosed with Cancer last year, and since I lost my mother almost 13 years ago.. this passion is NOT going to Go away. God said to me… “You need to live long.. you are called to do ‘my works’ and to reach many, your kids need you to live long also.. so this passion is one of the greatest passions I’ve placed in you..and it all goes with the gift of  healing.. to be healed takes faith in what I (Jesus)did, to keep healing takes My wisdom.”
 As I searched God for healthful answers and I submitted the whole area of health in His hands, and this passion to help others do the same, He urged me to start the process, just as He did with Bible college when He placed that desire upon my heart, so I simply started the process.
He pointed out that with Healing- we must realize that all though He healed us at the cross.. that as the scripture above states.. whatever we eat or drink, or do, must give God glory. Then He reminded me (through Barry Bennett) that if we are sick or overweight then we simply are not eating in Faith, but we are eating ‘what we want.’ What we eat is our nutrition- our nutrition is our medicine and our health. God gave us all we needed in ‘the garden’ this is what He established for us ‘in the beginning!’ In the beginning there was every plant bearing seed, and it was good! So when we think about it this way,  if one is sick.. eat your what is from the garden. It really is that simple.
Ok- maybe not that simple.. it does take knowing a person.. knowing what foods provide what nutrients.. it takes research, Work, time, disciple, determination and obedience to what God wants- but in the long run it is so worth it.
If this seems like too  much work, let me ask you this… do we not tend to go to the doctors- try most of what they suggest. Then find our cures or treatment by trial and error- till they find what works.. or probably just masks the problem, never really healing us ? Yes we do.. then why not try food this way, trial and error. You really can’t go wrong eating from the garden.. do go as organic as one can and always rinse well, then pray over it, this is ‘eating in faith!’ 🙂
I realize that if someone is ill-  my first suggestion will always be to find out ones ph levels.. How Acidic/Alkaline are you? Then realize anything under of over the normal PH balance is a health risk. At rest, the normal ph of a human being is slightly alkaline, with a pH around 7.4 on the ph scale Anything above that value is considered alkaline; anything below is described as acidic. Both, in their extremes, are life-threatening for the human body; if the pH value drops below 6.8 or increases above 7.8, the cells of the body cannot function properly anymore and the human will die.  Check out this link…
 To avoid disease and death the first thing to do would be to Detox by fasting.
And while one is at it, it would be smart to “pray and fast.” Pray how one should fast.. there is no one fast fits all.. pray about it and then let God lead. From day to day.. let God lead.
I don’t shop, cook, pray over my food or eat- until I know God shopped with me-  God cooked with me- God chose my food with me.. therefore, I can now pray over it and know “I am eating in Faith!” and my prayers will be fulfilled. This does work.. I am so happy to say that I kicked my sugar-sweet addiction, and  coffee (again) And let me just say, you know you’ve submitted when it becomes so easy, and there is no temptation. Have no fear, there is healthy snacks out there, research and pray about it.. YOU always have choices, just chose life giving choices! 😉
We simply cannot pray over garbage food period, no matter how much we want to ‘faith believe’ we can. God would not be a just God if He did this. Jesus ate in Good health at all times, He also exercised daily. These are two Godly qualities that we should and could follow.  We can’t cheat a godly system! We cannot pray over death filled food and expect life given results. We cannot be couch potatoes and expect good health either. I do not mean to be a joy-kill but I am not into pretending that by commanding food to be blessed that it will be blessed. Or commanding health and healing if I’m not attempting to treat my body like ‘the holy living temple’ that I confess it to be. God resides in this temple; therefore, I wish to bless Him for this!
Yes- if we come to the point of having no choices- and are forced to have to eat something just to survive then I must simply pray and ‘eat in faith!’ But we do have choices- and we do have Gods wisdom. So again just pray, “What would Jesus do, What would Jesus eat?”
This is how this works for me…As He gives me visions and revelations- I then research whatever it is He places upon my heart, He is so good to be precise and accurate. I simply love this connections we have in this area.; but let me share also that it Takes complete surrender, submission and obedience!
Any-whoo as this pause in my enrollment has caused me to pray even more as to when, where, how and so on, He has finally showed me which school of three I was researching.. the one I started with is the one I will be aiming towards; as of last night I met someone that has graduated from this school and is now a ‘life coach’. This was one thing I prayed about.. I simply wished to know and hear from someone that has graduated from this school to share their story. Not only is this so awesome, but the school is an on-line course.. and I am not good with on-line- for I need a ‘teacher- a guide’ someone to keep me on tract and to be my mentor if I have questions.. and I am a hands on type of gal too. The school would set me up with a mentor and Since I met this person I am hoping to request her. Even if they don’t agree to her.. I can still know that someone whom has already been through this- lives in the next town over and attends my new church! Seeing how God always sets me up with divine connections, I know this is my next step! So more education here I come! Destiny forward march!!
Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela
p.s… check out that link and check you ph levels.
Live in good ph (praise healthy) peeps.

Trust thy Bodies Wisdom~ Let thy Temple speak!

2 May

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on you own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight…. It will be healing to your body And refreshment to your bones.-Pro 3:5,6 & 8

Trust the Bodies Wisdom! Let thy Temple speak!!

Hello Beautiful peeps!!

I need prayers.. And I prayed long and hard about it, and God led me to all of you! He said do what you do best…. ‘write about it!” He has always placed writing upon my heart! As I went through years of ministry, therapy and God led spiritual guidance.. God showed me that my best tool, next to prayer was to ‘write… write.. and write some more!’ I’ve written books! (obviously unpublished! 😉

On-ward- as I always kept a diary as a kid, but then I would discard of it and all it’s evidence; However, as I got older and became a wife and mother.. my truly only way to vent or get peace was to go off on my own – to my quiet place and write.. write everything I was feeling or dealing with at that moment in time, this did wonders for me and saved my kids a lot of beatings! And I won’t even share about the lifesaving grace it did for my husband! LOL

Over time my writings became more of a prayer…..perfect prayers.. and I started to bless God, give God glory and my writing started to be so God filled that God told me audibly to “PREACH” this coming after hearing Him audibly tell me three times to teach.. that teach word one day became “PREACH!”

Ok- so now that I ‘wrote’ all that- here is what I need prayer about…. well physically my health, specifically my back, possibly my kidneys…. but most likely my adrenal glands! As I have had back pain since early January.. I was blessed with a chiropractor that shares in my passion for Christ and nutrition.. those being the ONLY reasons I even walked through his office door. I must admit- my whole family has been blessed by this. I wish to share that if you have never had your spine evaluated.. you should, it is amazing to see how much our spine can affect our whole health.. as a whole person in health, I have discovered with a godly push to seek this out, as I would of NEVER done out of my own will. My x-rays had shown that my spine was crooked, and when I took up Pilates to strengthen my core muscles this alerted my body as it over-compensated to work with my crooked spine. All a painful, but a good thing, for had it not happened this way, this problem would of only worsened and went undetected till later years.

The good thing though is that with this I took all my family in and discovered that Carly was scoliosis and is already in 12 sessions improving excellently! My other two get adjusted once a week and I am waiting to see there excellent results soon! Because I have faith in this doctor; I can say I ‘trust’ him with the health and care of my family. He is not only a Chiropractor but he teaches nutrition and exercise. He does many good health and exercise events and has one class a month at his office to furthur educate others in awareness and prevention. He knows how to get his patience off of their meds and out of pain.

(I will send his next class on Toxins to you.. some of you asked for this link.)
The only misprint is the date.. it’s Saturday, May 12th at 10 am. at Health from within! 10012 190TH Place, Mokena, IL 60448

Ok.. I am not writing to advertise my chiropractor.. unless he works on commission. LOL I am just kidding.. I am only sharing because of my love for Godly health and nutrition.

My second need of prayers is for my spirit to just simply rest and trust God, for He has been removing a lot of distraction from my life, and He has been pruning me and winnowing me like never before. I am just trying to go with the flow and while so continue to flow lovingly towards others. I’m not sure if my overflow is working or clogged or if my bucket has a hole, but my adrenal glands tend to misbehave during times of stress as my cortisol seems to not do it’s fight and flight correctly. This being the reason doctors love to remind me how I need some steroid infusions.. and by the Grace of God leading me and by my submitting to His wisdom towards eating and exercise, I have avoided all infusions for over two years now, and I refuse to go backward. Not to mention all the steroid treatments in the past that practically killed me and cause liver and kidney damage- and the exams that actually poison me as the contrast they use sickens me every-time, and the painful needles that make my veins explode.. All absolutely unnecessary.

What I am praying for is that I find a good holistic God led doctor to help guide me into the correct path.(Another thing my Chiropractor has suggested and knows of one); Coincidence of blessing? Here’s is my thing though, I may not need a doctor at all for this because I have discovered that I know my body best.. I am my best doctor (which the best physician living within me).. We all have this doctor living within us.. so trust HIM.. trust yourself and listen!!!
“Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power is mine. Pro 8:14

As I lean on this understanding coming from within.. I have already detected some things I need to delete out of my diet.. Yes again.. as I have already done this and it worked, so why did I take it back up? Ugh… I simply unsubmitted an area.. and gave into a weakness. Friends and coffee! UGH- I have found that Coffee is a acidic diuretic drink and has a way of dilating our vessels including our ureter tubes which are the tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Therefore I feel it may be as simple as that being the problem, as I know this feeling all to well. So, now that I think about it.. I will avoid all the MRI and Catscans, IV’s, infusions, steroids and poisonous contrasts!

I will simply ask for all my prayer warriors to lift me up to God for health and healing.. and then I will sit back, relax and let My Faith in God heal me, as I continue to let Him Guide me into trusting the wisdom of my body.. and do as the HOLY SPIRIT leads. All in good health! 🙂

God has also enlightened me to soak in a bath with Epson salts for the muscle pain and Tea Tree Oil (just a few small drops) for the kidney and bladder pain, for the adrenal glands He said, Check your toxins and stress levels.. find the root and immediately remove it! See God is so good to lead us into self healing, understanding and wisdom!

Hallelujah -Yes and Amen!!!

Till next time.. I’ll be letting Calgon take me away… (or is that Epson Tea Tree!;)