Healing Waters

16 May

Healing Waters!!

But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage;your faith has made you well.” At once the woman was made well. -Mark 9:22

As I have been suffering Back pain since January, I had asked many of you for your prayers. I have been seeking the Lords healing and council, I have refused to go the ‘practicing medicine route’ I only see a chiropractor and I heal all by prayers, and enlightened wisdom through dreams, visions and words of Godly wisdom; I know all natural healing and medicine is in God’s earthly foods; therefore, I eat only what God tells me to eat; I do not have any trouble in this area, for I just keep submitting it to God. Because I earnestly desire this wisdom, He is so kind as to keep enlightening me!

As I spoke a recently how God led me to take a bath in Epsom Salt and Tea tree Oil, I have seen Drastic results. As of yesterday I realized I had very little back pain, mainly just some tightness, but this morning as I took my scheduled Epsom/ Tea tree oil Bath, I sat under Healing scriptures from Cecil and Lisa Paxton-And Instantly I knew I was healed. I was healed in His healing waters! 🙂

The most awesome part was that I have been in deep and serious prayer for a neighbor that has recently found out that he has a tumor on his bladder…. Almost immediately God said to me, “share what I’ve called you to share- through your healing ministry of Faith- Food & Fitness!” The other day, Lisa Paxton prophesied over all of Chairs Indiana Students, as she said to me, “Just continue doing ‘what I’ve called you to do'” and then simply kept saying, “Faithful, faithful, faithful!” This spoke volumes to me! The encouragement that it gave me- allowed me to KNOW that I am not going to be talked out of a deeper calling into God’s healing plan!

He reminded me of what He said to me the other day, “You need to live long.. you are called to do ‘my works’ and to reach many, your kids need you to live long also.. so this passion is one of the greatest passions I’ve placed in you..and it all goes with the gift of healing.. to be healed takes faith in what I (Jesus)did, to keep healing takes My wisdom.”

As I sat soaking in this healing bath, God enlightenment me to the fact that losing my mother prematurely to ananeruism created such a zeal in me that I went into the ministry to learn more of God’s healing power, and the passion to share it with others ignited a fire in me that won’t be put out. Then He showed me how losing my step dad to cancer ignited a passion to become a ‘drugless practitioner- holistic healing life coach.’ Now that’s a mouthful) LOL

I realize had I not listened to God when He closed some doors in my life to pursued me to move forward as He called me to another church and another body of Christ, that I would not of heard this encouraging prophecy, nor met my mentor into this nutritional school – and I would not of also had two other prophecies that God has showed me in the past, to come to pass had I not left one place called ‘there’ and entered another place called ‘there.’

All this is so awesome, and I have so much more to share about my morning visions in the healing bath.. I have had some wisdom poured into me about Bladder cancer and the healing thereof…. but I will meditate on that some more, and keep my neighbor in prayer. -Thanks!

For now I must take my completely healed body off to Pilates Class- for If I don’t consistently practice what I preach I would simply be a hypocrite.

So this Faithful Daughter will go to class in total peace.. to spread and share some of this peace with others.. .for one HUGE vision God has given me is that many will be healed in my shadow! – Yes and Amen!!

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” -Luke 8:48

Walk in Divine healing- live in divine Grace and grow in divine wisdom

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