One Step at a Time!

18 May

One Step at a Time!

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.-3 John 1:2

As I have been in prayer and meditation on Bladder tumors, seeking all natural healing cures, God has enlightened me to a few things.. firstly the bladder is our liquid remover, meaning it removes liquids from our bodies. Our bodies must rid itself of liquid, and it is important that the body get lots of liquids, therefore God showed me that it is crucial to drink lots and lots of water. We all have heard how important it is to stay hydrated, yet so many of us still do not get enough Water in a day, and some don’t even drink water at all.

I for one used to tell myself that I get enough water out of my coffee and teas, I was only deceiving myself; caffeinated drinks actually dehydrate us, and cause us to starve our bones, organs, blood, and body from a life saving and life building necessity. The human body can survive months without food, but it can only go a few days without water. As my last post was on His “healing waters” I cannot emphasize enough how much we could improve our health by that one easy step, DRINK MORE WATER; It’s all healing!

I for one, have finally kicked my coffee habit, and I don’t drink any other caffeinated drinks, I do however, drink herbal teas, green teas and other non-caffeinated teas. Herbal teas are healing too.

Also I mentioned my Tea Tree oil baths.. this I highly recommend to anyone that has any bladder problems, or for anyone that may experience excess yeast in the body. Just a few tiny drops into the bath as it fills- goes a long way, and does wonders; it also smells so nice, it’s has such a relaxing scent to it.

As I am reading my first book towards my nutritional degree, “drug-less practitioner” (I LOVE saying that,”Drug-less Practitioner” as apposed to “Practicing Medicine”) – anyway, I am on the chapter titled, “The Integrative Nutrition Plan: 12 steps to Health” That I wish to share,

1. Drink more water…
2. Practice cooking (As opposed to eating out!)
3. Increase whole grains (Do not avoid Carbs- just eat healthy whole grain carbs.)
4. Increase sweet vegetables (this helps reduce sweet cravings.)
5. Increase leafy green vegetables
6. Experiment with protein (meaning – meat is not the only source) [and as you all know me, If you are in ill health, delete all animal products, detox and go veggie crazy.. Immunity building blocks to ‘save your life’ and to ‘heal your body!’]
7. Eat less meat, dairy, sugar, and chemicalized, artificial junk foods; consume less coffee, alcohol and tobacco.
8. Develop easy and reliable habits to nurture your body.
9. Have Healthy relationships that support you.
10. Find physical activity you enjoy and do it regularly.
11. Find work you love or a way to love the work you have.
12. Develop a spiritual practice.

This list is ideal for all people, however, I know it is hard to do it all at once, start with just one step at a time, the key is to keep stepping up the ladder.

To get through the hardest journey we need only take one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping. – Chinese Proverb

That is just the book knowledge that I received towards this, but now this is what God showed me in this particular prayer request, as I always seek personal word for personal situations and specific people.

For bladder health, Eat lots of Greens to exult Immunity and is the quickest way to healing. Cruciferous vegetables are the best, Some examples would be Broccoli, an Cauliflower, Grape seed extract is another one that helps aid in bladder healing. If the person has had surgery to remove tumors, mistletoe toe extract is a good defense to fight off returning tumors.

Selenium is a mineral that is highly important towards bladder health, this is also an important mineral for thyroid functioning and aids the immune system. This mineral is found in many types of fish.. however, considering a necessary detox, I would not suggest any fish; therefore, I will list whole – plant base form foods: Spinach, Broccoli, Brazil nuts, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Sunflower and sesame seeds. But specifically when I prayed- God showed me potatoes… healthy organic rinsed and steamed or baked potatoes. (RegularĀ and sweet.)

Other foods that help the bladder would be Berries, Vegetables and Whole grains.

Berries are ideal because they are antioxidant-rich, or disease-fighting, fruits; blueberries and cranberries provide substances that prevent the binding of harmful bacteria in the bladder that can lead to infections.Since antioxidants are associated with reduced risk for cancer and other diseases, berries may provide a valuable dietary tool toward strengthening the immune-system and preventing or combating bladder-related diseases. In addition to blueberries and cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries also provide valuable amounts of antioxidants. A variety of fresh, colorful berries consumed regularly may prove most beneficial.

Vegetables are known for their high numbers of nutrients, including antioxidants, and for their rich fiber content. The CTCA recommends vitamin C and beta-carotene for individuals with bladder cancer or to help prevent bladder cancer. Valuable vegetable sources of vitamin C include red bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. The antioxidant beta-carotene is prevalent in hot chilies, spinach, kale, mustard greens, carrots, turnips, cabbage, pumpkin, water cress and sweet potatoes. High-fiber vegetables, which may help prevent UTIs, include potatoes, yams, squash and beans. The Harvard School of Public Health recommends at least nine servings of vegetables and fruits per day–the amount found in roughly 4 1/2 cups. One serving of vegetables is equal to approximately 1 cup of fresh vegetables or 1/2 cup cooked.

Whole grains, such as oats, spelt, bulgur, whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, wild rice and popcorn, provide significant amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also provide rich amounts of dietary fiber, which is recommended by the UMMC and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) as optimum food choices for people experiencing UTIs and bladder cancer. Examples of whole grain-rich foods include old-fashioned oatmeal, whole grain cold cereals, 100-percent whole grain breads, pasta and rice dishes and barley or wild rice soup.
( -Foods that Help Your Bladder.)

Things to highly avoid would be Fried foods, especially animal fats and sugars! I just read this on a post today, “The only thing in your body that likes sugar, besides your taste buds, is Cancer!” Sugar is the leading cause to disease and inflammation in the body!

So I wish to end it here: find your ph levels, feed your body alkaline foods to combat acidic levels in the body, detox out toxins, by drinking lots and lots of water, and feed the body more greens then ever before to build up immunity and fight off disease. Stay active, and always remember to feed your spirit! God is good, and is our healer!

‘Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.- Jer 33:6

Yes and Amen!

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