Health & Healing is in the LEAVES!

24 Oct

Health and Healing is in the LEAVES!

Hi peeps, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog for this page.. As I am always writing something due to a ‘radical’ mind that NEVER shuts off’ I am also always in prayer.. I do not cease in prayer.. I give God all my thoughts and in return He gives me hundred fold wisdom. I am not saying all my thoughts start off as wisdom, but after taking all my thoughts captive into the obedience of Christ.. then HE reveals to me HIS wisdom in any and every matter I take to Him; He never leaves me hanging! Thanks God! πŸ˜€

“We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” -2 Cor 10:5

I have a few things to ‘clear up’ or ‘set straight’ I am not striving, nor stressing when I am in this mode.. I pray first, then allow God to lead me into “His ways and thoughts” in any matter that I am taking to HIM in prayer. When I am asked to pray for someone, or God lays it upon my heart to pray for someone.. I get REAL Serious, but keep it simple; I always pray God’s will! Knowing the ‘True Nature of God” means knowing that He has already provided our every need, with that I know that I am not only to pray – but I am to take authority over any and all issues! There is power in HIS name!

Now with all this however, God had to still set me straight in the matter of authority, we will get to that later in this blog. First I must point out how HUGE an epidemic of a sick and dying nations we are seeing, and it’s heart-breaking! What is it that us believers are not receiving? This week alone I have had 5 cancer prayer request (mostly Breast, prostate, liver and brain), kidney failure, and multiply emotional health issues.. and I have got to say, “HIS people perish due to lack of knowledge!” I am not condemning anyone, I am hoping to shed some light on Why it seems that Satan is winning this battle! Somehow, somewhere it seems that we have gotten the grace message out of balance. I for one have asked God to reveal His next power plan for revealing HIS healing power and seeing it stick! NO more losing our healing! Satan can and will pervert God’s truths, he will deceive us to get so religious in all the words of scripture that it no longer has enough power in our lives to defeat sickness and disease! We ponder while awaiting healing why we may not be receiving our healing, so I want to again ‘clear up’ & ‘set straight’ a few things God has placed STRONGLY on my heart!

To be religious is to take any form or fashion of scripture and using it out context, balance or for controlling purposes. It is just as religious to take a scripture and use it out of balance. Choosing to use any religious word, thought or deed as our healing ground… it seems we want the healing more than the healer sometimes.. I have recognized this in myself in the past.. God corrected me, therefore, I no longer pray for healing- but I pray for His wisdom into how to walk in this healing and in HIS already finished work at the cross! It was an epiphany to me… “why are we asking Him to do something that is already done?” IT is finished! His part is Done.. now how do we truly make His grace sufficient? How can we know God’s will and ways if we don’t ask Him to reveal them to us.. He has healed us, so why not seek HIM and His ways more than just seeking healing!

Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.- ps 25:4

It’s kinda like this.. when I was sick as a child, my mother made me well with love, compassion and care; I truly wasn’t seeking the healing, but crying out to my mother, whom in return came to me and nurtured me back to health. So by seeking her, I was healed. Of course I never had to earn her love or beg her to heal me; however, on many occasions she would point out (later of course) that I should of ate my veggies to build my immune system, or she would show me the error of my ways.. when I climbed the fence and broke my leg! OUCH! But none the less she always healed me through her LOVE and that was her god nature, then she followed my healing up by guiding and teaching me how to avoid sickness and disaster in the future. Had I not heeded her guidance I would continue in the making the same mistakes, and that would be considered ‘disobedience.’ And for the most part I was a good kid! LOL And one thing I truly cherished and extremely miss is my mothers wisdom; next to her LOVE and nurturing nature, her wisdom I miss so much!! πŸ™‚ Just think what an even better relationship we have In Jesus.. we can seek His wisdom always through the holy spirits guiding. Awesome isn’t it?!

Now I ask that we look at healing in the scriptures… many places they were healed “immediately” (making His grace sufficient’) . In others cases Jesus told them to “go and do something” to receive their healing.. (OH- NO, did I say they were told by Jesus to go and do something?) Yes I did!! I seriously believe that in the cases where they were immediately healed -these people were seeking the savior and His ways and obedience was not grievous to them (this is what makes His grace sufficient)… as opposed to the others that were asked to do something- were seeking ‘their healing’ more than ‘their healer!’ They wanted their healing without obedience, for it was too grievous for them; This is not making His grace sufficient for them.. this is making His grace to no avail.They wanted their healing their way, not HIS way! They wanted their healing without surrendering to Jesus first. We need not try to use false authority either, we cannot command or seek healing while in disobedience, If we have not submitted our health to Jesus first, we are in disobedience! It does us NO good to rebuke the devil when we first have not submitted to God.

-Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.- James 4:7

When we truly and faithfully seek the healer – He will not only heal us, but He will renew our minds. He will show us the way in which we shall go- either by showing us our weakness’ and cause of sickness and correcting them gracefully- which is a blessing because with our surrender and obedience to HIM – He will strengthen us in any area; it will become of no challenge to us because now He can “HEAL” the area, not the sickness, (which was healed at the cross) now the healing can be manifest- as long as we stay continually submitted to HIM! With this awesome surrender we can walk in DIVINE health, causing us to keep our healing through His awesome continually inner guidance! Just like heeding my mothers correction and advice, I knew how to keep my healing and avoid disaster…(for the most part.)

With using our authority in Christ He showed me Himself being tempted by Satan.. He was hungry after a 40 day fast and Satan challenged Him to turn the stones to food…then Satan told him to jump off the pinnacle of the temple and God would send angels to save HIM…. most you know the scripture – Mat 4:3-6

What was Jesus’ response to SATAN??? Jesus had all the authority-but He never misused it! He didn’t turn stone to food because God never told him to! Satan was trying to use scriptures to get Jesus to do something that was out of Gods will, and although it would seem Jesus had all the authority of His father, He EMPTIED Himself because He knew darn well that Satan was trying to use Gods word to deceive Jesus into doing something that could of proven to be a grave issue, and would have been out of Gods will for HIM. All things are permissible but not all things are profitable! Jesus could of used His authority to conger up food or put God to the test by throwing Himself off the pinnacle of the temple to see if God would intervene, but instead He relied on His inner wisdom (the HOLY Spirit’s leading) and chose the profitable over the permissible. I think Paul said it best..

-All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.- 1 Cor 6:12

My darling peeps, I guess what is being revealed here is to not only use Gods word and authority, but seek the healer, not the healing, seek for Gods wisdom over all else. And let me end with this: As Paul stated, and as Jesus displayed in His choice of action.. neither of them were “mastered (controlled)by anything but the HOLY Spirits leading!” Hallelujah- Yes and Amen!

I wish to add this.. In Revelation God states that the healing of the nations would be found in the leaves… bringing to light once again that chlorophyll and the oxygen from plant life is God’s healing foods and shall be our medicine. πŸ™‚

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations.- Rev 22:2

I will be sharing how to walk in the simplicity of His healing ways through His healing word and Healing wisdom as time goes on… (will share on my IIN page).

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