“Cry Like A Baby!”

17 Jul

“Cry Like a Baby!”

cry like a baby

Hello my darling peeps…. again it’s been about a month since I’ve written a blog, so I guess I’m starting to see a pattern.. once a month it is.. sounds like a curse to me! šŸ˜‰ LOL

NO curses – We’ve been set FREE.. now we must believe, receive and listen to our Daddy!

Speaking of Freedom, As we celebrated another Independence day of freedom a few weeks back, my family and I also celebrated our youngest blessings Summer Rae’s 11th birthday! Our little Miss Independence is definitely seeking her independence.. this child has been and is a very amazing and powerful little girl, she will some day ‘change the world’ šŸ˜‰ Maybe our first woman president. Yes, I feel the need to speak an awesome powerful word over her, “May the God of Blessings always protect her and keep her, May Our Lord and Savoir show Himself strong through all that she does in life, and may she always know ‘who she is in Him!” yes and Amen.. baby girl- mama loves ya! ā¤

Now speaking of babies…. as I spent yesterday seeing my first precious grand baby through ultra sound.. I can’t help but take another deep breath as the first appearance ‘took my breath away!’ I am so EXCITED To announce to those of you that didn’t know already that My first born blessing Carleen will be blessing us with our first born grand-baby in December! Merry Christmas to ME!!- Spreading Light into my life!! Yup- God is good! šŸ™‚

The timing in the natural may not seem perfect.. but let me tell you in the Spirit is is PERFECT! Just in need for Nana to be blessed, Nana needs a ‘happy pick-me-up’ and soon I will be ‘picking me up’ a precious little one! šŸ˜€ (Big Smiles on Nana face!)

God knows timing better than us all, I can’t help but cry (most of the time) in exasperation of seeing His blessings, visions and dreams for my life to come to pass.. my patience is so thin these days—(oh darling gift of long-suffering, patience and temperance) I need you! But through all my struggles I know He will show Himself strong in my life for the promise of God are YES and AMEN!

Speaking of struggles, as my darling neighbor (practically Adopted daughter) Kenzie always says, “The Struggle is REAL!” Now I need to share some of my struggles so that I can ‘feel’ some peace, and also get some strong prayer warriors.. Not worriers! šŸ˜‰ Strength in prayer.. My faith is my lifeline, my Jesus is my lifejacket.. so I know my head shall always stay afloat.
here goes my needs… I am struggling once again with a bout of depression. (I don’t truly believe I am depressed,) but I am definitely hearing voices.. telling me that I am, daily I struggle for the desire to “WAKE UP!” I almost find myself asking God to Not allow me to do so…..
“We are confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”- 2 Cor 5:8

NO please don’t misunderstand me with this–I know I am blessed beyond a doubt with so much LOVE, but the ‘pressures’ and ‘challenges’ that life throws our way is becoming a heavy burden. I have found myself lacking trust- and this makes it harder to not know who I can turn to or trust these days; however, this really shouldn’t pose a problem, I know Gods word, I am a faith filled Christian; I know I can just take authority and demand this life stealing voice to Go! Have and do daily, but I need all of you to join forces with me!

I started a 400 hour light therapy treatment to balance out my inner balance.. due to an pituitary Andenoma (tumor) which causes depression,migraines and pain behind my eyes (amongst other symptoms).. the worse being when stress hits me it triggers this and causes my adrenals to go haywire, causing me to CRASH and burn! So this treatment I feel is Gods way of bringing me some more light! Yah! Its non-invasive, harmless and painless.. all I do is carry around a hand held device that carries light frequency to my body 24/7 – Here’s the kicker… this was the holistic all natural approach that was suggest by a holistic practitioner years ago, but at the time we were insured and our insurance carrier did not cover natural holistic medical approaches, but only acidic meds,intravenous poisonous infusions, radiation, and slice and dice surgery.. CRAZY hey? I am more blessed and in better care now without insurance. Yes this treatment will come straight out of our pockets- but in the long run is the smarter, wiser and healthier thing to do! And By golly I am trusting that it works! Thank you JESUS that you bring light into our darkest hours and the darkest places!

“The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness.” – “Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.”If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays.” – Luke 11:34-36

One more struggle is the fact that I am seeking work any where – Praying it be something I love to do, and what I love to do is help people live a happy and healthy life, I am well educated in education, ministry, Christian counseling and health coaching. (odd combination) not really all of them are life giving desires.. My only desire is to bless other; but as God has shown me HUGELY lately is HOW in the world am I to do such a task when My ‘egotistical cries for independence is hindering my calling’ ??? When I question Him on this- He spoke in His small still but stern voice, ‘Fear not my child, but trust, rest, love and receive.” Your calling right now is family & its healing as a whole.” Let’s just say, “I CRIED LIKE A BABY!” Which seems to be my motto lately.. “CRY LIKE A BABY!” šŸ˜„

With that I ask for prayers of health and healing for my Family as a whole with a huge focus on my precious Father Dennis Smiley, whom is still struggling with a painful and damaged bladder- It is almost life threatening and he is in extreme pain! I pray that his doctors figure it all out and fix what can be salvaged. AS tomorrow I will be spending the day with my fathers lawyer to take care of his mal-practice suit, and then straight from there to get his consult for his next repairing surgery. I am also thinking of asking for ‘power of attorney over his health. I am seriously praying about convincing him to live with me and my family so I can place him in my spare room – and keep my eye on him 24/7 to take care of him while he is in need, there is nothing more precious then being able to take care of a parent in their time of need.

Ok well enough of my prayers and needs, peeps please share with me your prayer request and needs, because I am always here for you, signing off with all my LOVE and thanks for your reciprocated LOVE! ā¤

~ Blessings always, Diana xo

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