Archive | October, 2013

“Blessed Holy Hair!”

30 Oct

“Indeed, even the hairs on your head have all been counted! ” – Matt 10:30
bad hair day

Happy Halloween to all my ‘Holy Ghosts”; my monsters of the month club, yup, that be all of you- my health & wellness group buddies.. those that LOVE to live life through Faith, Food & Fitness. – Haha..or at least get a kick out of my passion towards it, thanks for your LOVE and support, and may something I preach about plant a seed when in need.

This past month has been one Hair pulling month! I’ve simply been trying to get a hold of ‘who I am’ and what I stand for. I am convinced that I am exactly where God needs me to be! Although I have NOT rested in the moment, but have probably fought it every step of the way; for if I had my way I’d be in my Belizean home on my all natural- healing Spiritual retreat.. spreading God’s LOVE and teaching others how to heal themselves. All through Christ’s LOVE and wisdom ‘but of course!’

I have fretted long enough over a spoken word, a prophecy in the making, I cannot make anything happen in my timing; therefor I am slowly learning after losing much hair over it- to relax and know He is God, for He KNOWS the plans HE has for me (Jer 29:11) and they will NOT come back void!!

– “My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” -Isa 55:11

I simply have been impatient and Want it NOW!!! NOW Daddy PLEASE NOW! You do realize that would work on my father of the flesh, he would Make it happen NOW for me, anything my little heart desired was mine, only if I asked!! Can we say, “Daddy’s Girl?” 😉

God is no different, He gives us the ‘desires’ of our hearts; however, this means ‘the desires HE has put there, HE has ordained, and He has planed for our lives, not to mention in HIS timing, not ours, in His ways and not ours, In HIS design and not ours.. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding,In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” -Pro 3:5&6

As this month I was told by my “hair Doctor” (Beautician) that my hair is extremely Ill, inflamed  & so stressed that it is breaking off at the roots! She warned me that if I didn’t get it healthy I was going to lose it all! O.o

Let’s just say, OMGoodness!! That scared some more hair out of me! :/

With that I’m taking it easy and resting my pretty little head.

Health tips for hair: Destress it from the inside out!!

I’ve warned my kids and husband too.. MOM likes her hair, we’re kinda attached and I’d like to keep what I  have left; I  also realized that one of my cats has a bad habit of sleeping on my pillow and snacking on my hair! Ack! Sent kitty to Bobs side, he’s already bald! LOL

Key to this lesson, I need to give my worries to God, I need to MAGNIFY HIM and shrink me down to size!! Hence, MORE OF HIM AND LESS OF ME!!!!
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30

I know this may be a hairy subject… but its a must decrease in order for HIM to INCREASE!! Yes & AMEN!

I pray may we all sit still long enough to allow God to re-count the hairs on our heads, 😉

Lots of LOVE ((HUGS)) & Prayers -Diana xo