Archive | March, 2014

Stay Golden to The Golden Rule!

15 Mar
~STAY GOLDEN to The Golden Rule! 
not arrogant
 Stop judging, so that you won’t be judged, you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged…For by the standard you judge you will be judged, and the measure you use will be the measure you receive.” -Mat 7:1-2

Time to WRITE! Its part of my life-giving, life-dealing therapy! YES & AMEN!

 I’ve had some long weeks lately! And I am loving it, but let me say first off.. “OUCH!” I LOVE working with people and helping them improve their health and lives; however, some people can drain you like sticking a straw in the ocean and emptying it dry! “SLURP!”

I try to awake earlier than my family every morning so that I can meditate and pray… then the life begins and chaos enters. I am so happy to say that after being mommy for 21 years and putting family first, I have now put them on the back burner (haha so to speak)– so the can brew, stew and simmer in their own ways and hopefully discover “who they are.” in Christ! This is a well needed, and greatly welcomed change. 😀
So much “oh my goodness- Where’s mom” and them realizing just HOW MUCH I did do for them. I have realized that I actually caused more harm then good by over doing, over protecting and over babying them. (Cuddle- Coddle). So need-less to say, I am now just over doing, over working and over caring for a food co-op and new people in need. So PLEASE pray for me to not over do anything!
Jesus did so much for so many, but through the cross He has given us the power to do all things through HIm; therefore my only obligation is to help others come into ‘who they are in Christ’ I can only lead them to water but I cannot drink it for them. And Christ WILL NOT DO things for us either.. He will only be our strength to do so for ourselves.. (kinda like the ugly, egotistical saying “God helps those who help themselves”) except scripturally it says that we are ‘self sufficient’ through ‘Christs Sufficiency” only by calling and relying on Him can we do all things. YES & AMEN to that! 😀“Because I master all things by The Messiah who empowers me.” – Phi 4:13
Let us keep in mind there will be things HE calls us out of, away from or removes them from us and our lives; Key is to learn to hear HIS still small voice over our own in all things pertaining to life and godliness..“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence” – 2 Pet 1:3 
When dealing with people I’ve learned that God always calls us to treat people as though they are better than us, not the other way around, we are to see them as more important than ourselves without using OUR OWN ASSUMPTIONS, PECEPTIONS AND OPINIONS while also not enabling them to be in wrong living or living an unhealthy lifestlye. We are to pray and seek the spirits leading in our words, ways and dealing with others. God is a God of SYMPATHY, EMPATHY, INTEGRITY, RESPECT and LOVE, so if we are not opperating out of these qualities when dealing with others- then we are are simply WAY OUR OF ALIGNMENT WITH GOD AND HIS WORD PERIOD!  Anything other than Gods ways is our own fleshly carnal nature and is not godliness, but self righteousnes! Let us not be UGLY towards others in word or in deed, Its never of God! ‘Just saying!’ 😛
We are not to judge or condemn others but also not to join them or be infected by them.. I think Joyce Myers put it this way….
“The book of Psalms begins instructing the reader not to sit inactive in the pathway of sinners. If we are not aggressively resisting sin, we just might get sucked into it. Passivity or inactivity is a very dangerous thing. We must exercise our will to choose what is right and not merely assume that we can sit with a ‘evil’ (in wrong living- lifestlye) person or persons and not be infected. This does not mean that we must avoid sinners altogether. The Truth is that they need our presence and witness in their lives, but we do need to be careful. Always be sure that we are affecting them and that they are not infecting us.”- God is Not Mad at You.
Joyce also points out that the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians not to associate too closely with those who were not living right (1 Cor 5:9-11). A casual relationship may be acceptable, but not an intimate one. You can be friendly with someone who lives an immoral lifestyle, but to form an intimate and regular association would not be wise . Another thing we should avoid is FEELING SUPERIOUR when we see other people sinning, because this WRONG ATTITUDE opens doors for a moral fall on our part (Gal 6:1).
Ok- I guess todays lesson would be to simply follow the Golden Rule and by doing so know that you are Bringing God Glory, obiding in Chirst and loving your neighbor as He commands us to do so! This is doing the ministry of Christ! 😀
Sending forth all my Karmatic LOVE your way, Stay healthy and Be Blessed!
 ❤ Diana xo
p.s. please check out our church web page for updates on our missions trip and fundraising events..
and please check out our humble yet divine health co-op web site: