Archive | May, 2014

Belize with Diligence!

21 May




” I master all things by The Messiah who empowers me.” -Phil 4:13

woo wee.. busy… 11 days and counting… till we take off to Belize.. I KNOW- I can’t Belize it myself! 😉

Want to throw this out into the universe… HELP!! Give me time to prepare, not only myself, my luggage, my mind and heart, but my testimonies, teachings and preachings.

We are so doubly blessed – Not only will our team be physically building a church, we are being given the privilege to speak, preach, teach and minister at church meetings in Belize. We will also be praying over the hospitals patients and are also able to speak on Belize radio!

I KNOW “GET OUT!” 😉 I am so ecstatic now if only I could find some time to buy luggage, mud boots, proper attire.. was told my old capri’s and T-shirts will suffice for building and just some nice comfortable casual clothes for the churches and such. A babe-in-suit for some Belize swimming, and of course something comfy for hiking the Mayan Ruins!

This little blog is also for my team.. this is your letter for how to prepare.. so on your marx- get- set… Goooooo>>>>>>>>>!!!

To those that feel led to teach, preach, minister and speak – prepare for this, pray now and seek Ye Gods plan and lesson that He has for you to speak to the hearts of the people of Belize.Stay diligent in your task at hand that God is giving you! Now I don’t know how many of us will speak on the radio just yet, but be prepared for anything, even a whole change of preparing at the last minute. **Also we need to bring our own towels!

I tell ya when I was on my missions trip I prepared lessons, teachings and preachings for weeks prior to going, I stayed steadfast and diligent in prayer and fasting and God gave me lots.. then I got down there- Wahla.. it all changed.. He did however remind me of what Godly discipline/ diligence means and what to study yourself approved is!

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” -2Tim 2:15

So although the HOLY SPIRIT will lead you- do not take the wide road, study and prepare and discipline yourself… There is no short cuts for kingdom living!

“Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it.” -Mat 7:13

Hmmm for me, I’m begging God to give me time… I am working 50+ hours at work and now am asked to write up a business plan for the co-op before our next board meeting… They are seeking change and feel that I have a vision for the place; I have a vision, a mission and a plan.. now to get it down on paper. Time, I need time for this and for what it is God is placing upon my heart to share in Belize.. gonna take double diligence I guess.. gonna take giving it all to God and knowing that JESUS is my strength, but that I am blessed that “I” can do anything THROUGH “CHRIST” WHO STRENGTHENS ME!! See- we must do the doing, but He will be our strength.– Phil 4:13

I must say, UGH.. I love to write, that is a noticeable fact, but time has always been my enemy.. the enemy steals my time, and he does this by keeping me busy, and sending energy time sucking vampires my way. Ok, not always true, many good people come to me and take lots of my time because they feel drawn to something I might have to say… (hence-not my wisdom- but the HOLY SPIRITS) is should be with all of us; the thing is to discern when to give time and when to walk away.. say NO sometimes! A work in the making for me! Just stay diligent! YES & AMEN! -All my Discipling LOVE ❤ Diana xo