Archive | August, 2014

Calling out, Calling forth, Removing and Replacing

10 Aug

“But he, The Redeemer of the accursed, The Spirit of Holiness, whom my Father sends in my name, he will teach you all things and he will remind you of everything whatsoever I have told you.” -John 14:26   calling out So today I’m playing hooky once again! No church for us! I have to be totally honest here.. Sundays are my only day off from the co-op… (with the exception of my wednesday clientele day, and every-other Saturday to do business events and such) – so yes, needless to say Sundays are my only day off.. so I do catch up with myself. Or shall I say, with my spirit!… My soul longs and aches all week, as does my body sometimes, but its my spirit that must stay unhindered! To the pure in heart (pure heart towards God and HIs will) this is a daily walk. Right folks, you all walk this walk with me! You KNOW where I’m coming from. That is a statement – Not a question! 😉 Anywho.. I am going to totally honest again, I don’t play hooky from church because I’m just catching up, but because I feel called out of my church once again! PLEASE DON’T MISUNDERSTAND ME HERE… I LOVE MY CHURCH, RIVERS OF LIVING WATER, AND I LOVE MY CHURCH FAMILY! JUST AS I LOVE MY PAST CHURCH LIVING WELL AND THAT CHURCH FAMILY! I am a person that gets attached and usually has a hard time leaving what is familiar and comfortable, but when it come to church, I KNOW when I hear God calling out and onto something new! The whole problem is – I’m impatient sometimes! I KNOW that I am a traveling minister, I am a missionary, and I am simple to follow and teach ‘RELATIONSHIP’ From the Spirit, I DESPISE THEOLOGY AND MANMADE RELIGION! As I did go off to Bible college, YOU will NOT ever hear me PREACH ANDREW WOMMACK… I will share him and his awesome revelations, but I am NOT a mini-Andrew.. I am a mini Christ and I choose to ONLY recognize the spirits teaching! Hence why I seem so extreme and radical to most.. believe me I am in no way RELIGIOUS… everything I do (that seems like a bit much) LIKE Veganism, Holistic, & JESUS NO HARM way…I shy away from western medicine and traditions of man… All The Christ in me.. All the Spirits leading into my healthy consciousness, awakening and enlightenment! I only say all this because once again simply being me seems to intimidate or aggravate people.. haha.. but I must say we’re all a bunch of pains in the butt, so I guess we can call it even. LOL Ok- so as I am in a transition of between church buildings and or ministries.. I am loving being the church … We are the church, and the first churches of Acts were in the homes of the believers… When Paul preached in public places it was for the unsaved to be converted.. so that is so cool. I loved when God called me out and into the secular colleges, I truly know I did most my evangelizing there! And I simply shared ‘who I was in Christ’ my love and relationship with and for him shined through… and all the other religions and stagnant Christians gained the most out of my sharing as the Practicing church going believers more or less argued and spoke religion ..Ack- no thanks! God is LOVE people not a set of rules and church attendance records! Just saying! :/ What was such the blessing is NOT a single one of the (non-Christians and non- church goers) found me annoying, they actually would hunt me down to speak about “my JESUS” whom I know in the deepest crevices of my heart that HE became their one and only too… God knows our hearts, so a religious cover up, church going, church doing, works orientated, guilt ridden heart is simply a hardened heart! LET GO and LET GOD! Now I ask for prayers for my church.. as they are in a transition themselves with the church up for sale as our Pastor too feels called away from the pulpit and onto the missions field, she has an evangelic & missionary heart; one I sensed in her the moment I met her; hence why I knew she and part of her congregation would come onto the mission field with me! That trip was great and definitely ordained of God. But the me in me kept questioning it for the whole trip practically came out of my personal pocket, and although God showed me that a company (that being mine) would sponsor most of it, the ‘religious teaching’ in me heard that if it was called of God – God would of supply through HIS believers.. So that is when my little mined went into over -wasted defeated thoughts time! Then God said this, “A Double minded man is unstable in all his ways!” Whoever wavers in his mind is troubled in all his ways.” – James 1:8 YIKES! So know today, I choose to go right back to letting the holy spirit Guide me! I know my fathers voice and no other shall I follow! phew.. love when the spirit guides me back to His spiritual call upon my life, our lives the life of the the churches and of the ministries! PREACHING NOTHING BUT WHAT WE HEAR THE FATHER SPEAK! “For I have not spoken from myself, but The Father who sent me, he gave me commandments, what I will say and what I will utter.”- John 12:49 So – I guess I will end on this note, I am not perfect I make mistakes, I upset people, I don’t always choose my words wisely, I sometimes get mislead by the best of people & I sometimes hurt the best of people, but as I search the depth of my heart and listen to the holy spirit I I KNOW it is HE who removes and places people and ministries into our paths.. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Cor 12:9 I only choose to KNOW when to LET GO and LET GOD bring me to the next step.. I choose to allow The spirit to keep me unhindered! “And it shall be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way.”- Isa 57:14 YES & AMEN!! All my unhindered prayers, LOVE and Blessings ❤ Diana xo