Archive | October, 2014

Be In Good Health!

26 Oct

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” – 3 John 1:2


Hello Peeps, I’m happy to be able to have a moment or two to sit down and write my October Blog.. and it only took throwing out my lower back once again. OUCH.. Darn hips simply unaligned whenever they please.

AS I LOVE to dance my way through the kitchen, I was heading to grab a pan out of the lower cabinet, my hips decided to simply do the twist so to speak.. was quite the sight to see for my youngest as she couldn’t help but say, “Ma, you need life alert?” and my grand baby just giggled as Nana was crawling on the kitchen floor. Yes, sweet Sunday morning bliss in my house! πŸ˜‰

Well a few turmeric/ ginger smoothies, some arnica gel and an icepack later.. here I am blogging you, my fellow friends whom I only once a month get to speak with.. (one sided anyway) as I said last month I do not know who my audience is, for you must send me a simple “hello, what’s up reply.” was nice to hear back from a few of you.. LOVE ya much! :*

OK, well besides my back incident and situation.. I only have today to recover as I have to take in tomorrows delivery for the co-op (which includes lots of Thanksgiving Turkeys) .. I really don’t see how I’m gonna pull this one off.. but with prayers of quick healing and hopefully some early morning help I can. Sad part for me though is I am a VEGAN and to take in Dead Turkeys really bites! Just being honest! This kind of stuff is really stressful to me!! 😦

This being a huge issue for me lately as I realize i am working at a supposedly “health food co-op” I KNOW my call is “healing through healthy, clean live plant based foods” I have certifications in this specific arena for a reason and I am NOT living out this reason! Instead I am pleasing the crowd, so to speak! I’m not being judgmental here, I love working for the co-op and all its members; however, it is going against my grain, and as I have also put on 12 pounds since starting there. I must say, I’m not behaving or something! LOL as I realize my motto of “Faith, Food & Fitness” I’ve really been slacking on the ‘Faith’, (finally found a church I feel led to be at again).. the ‘food’ part is eat and run and ‘quick grains, grains, grains’ which I know are one of my weakness’ and enemy.. can we say INFLAMMATION!? Paleo got one thing right, “eat less grains” well I think they avoid grains, but that is too extreme for me.. since I follow my spirit bible led & read diet.. we were originally designed to eat of the garden, then sent out to eat of the field … then after the flood- God allowed us to eat of animal proteins (if our flesh desire to- which mind definitely does NOT).. so with that said, I’m happy eating my fruits and veggies with minimal grains.. when I’m behaving anyway. And the last part of my motto, “Fitness” is practically obsolete, except when I have some moments for a jog. I miss my Pilate’s instructor (signing back up with her in January too!) πŸ™‚

And to those that still think a Vegan diet is insufficient in nutrients- nothing can be farther from the truth.. it was our original diet.. and yes one can meet all their dietary needs on only fruits and veggies, with minimal live grains – good healthy salts (iodine sea weed veggies are best), oils (coconut, and grape seed are best heated and virgin olive oil not heated), nuts and seeds.. adding in fermented foods (probiotics) to feed the gut with the good bacteria..(there are plenty lactose free fermented options) and lots of water and herbal teas.

With all that blabbing on.. as a health minister at heart, I preach healing through that type of eating.. and with that I wish to share that I am stepping down as the manager and leaving the co-op in January so that I can practice what I preach. I most seriously believe in healing and health as a three part importance, Body, Soul & Spirit.. and it is accomplished through my famous saying and ministry, “Faith, Food & Fitness” me missing out on much since I started full time work, (outside of the three jobs I already had- minister, health coach, and business owner). Everyone that knows us, knows Bob is a non stop busy entrepreneur and extrovert, He feeds off others and strives on keeping busy. I have to set him back in order sometimes and remind him to stop glorifying busy! It’s good to stay active and doing what needs to be done, but learning to say no and not accept everything thrown our way is a healthy growth process.. in which I am now learning for myself. I am the total opposite of Bob, what I sell is time and care to others.. I sell myself and my inner wisdom and guidance, that is what a health coach- minister and counselor does.. they are more interpersonal and Intrapersonal intelligent and are usually more introverted. That is me.. I love my introverted times. I find my energy from within – I MUST meditate, pray, get alone with God and nature- breathe and simple metamorphosize back into My cocoon often. No worries though I always come back out with my wings spread wide and ready to take on the world once again.

However, if I neglect my introverted, loving spirit and I don’t recognize my breaking point and simple rest and KNOW HE IS GOD, then it takes stupid stuff like throwing my back out just so I can sit still and just BE!!!

Another HUGE reason I am stepping down is because of my own personal health taking a turn once again.. NO worries there either but my migraines have been back and my vision gets weirded out.. so I have to go in for a MRI to recheck a tumor on the pituitary gland.. which is located in the brain.. so we NEVER mess with it another way.. I KNOW that it is Gone.. because I know I had my miracle years ago.. but I do simply need to put my mind to rest.. I also know by how I’ve been trained and educated in the health arena, that I am completely in perfect pH and a properly pH body cannot have a tumor or disease.. torchuring headaches on the other hand – love to create havoc. But I am going to fight this baby the way I always do- through nutritional treatment.. (all plant based, pure, live nutrient dense food therapy). I fully believe and live on the knowing that Dead food provides death and live food provides life. I avoid animal proteins for many reasons.. firstly I am a animal advocate.. full fledged ethical vegan, but also because I know that animal proteins can turn cancer cells on and feeds tumors. There is no health reason why we must eat animal proteins except that we might desire to.

All health is found in the earth and healing is in the leaves (Rev 22:2).. And let us remember to the believer we were created in a pure and perfect garden and will return to that perfectness someday. A NO harm holy mountain we shall live upon with all creatures in perfect harmony!

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it… and its purely biblical! πŸ™‚

“The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den.Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with people who know the LORD.” Isa 11:6-9

Well peeps be in good health.. Love and blessings – Diana ❀