Archive | November, 2014

With a Thankful Heart! <3

27 Nov

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” – Psa 100:4

hug a turkey


happy thanksgiving
Today, on a day of thanks, I need to start with the fact that I’m thankful for a quiet, moment of solitude with God to be able to sit down and write.

And in this moment My mind is racing, my heart is heavy and yet grateful at the same time.

I miss my mom and step dad more than anything on thanksgiving day, so much that I don’t even do the traditional thanksgiving feast- nor the normal family gathering. Let’s just say with the death of Mom came the death of family tradition for me.. and with the death of Dad- came the death of animal feasting. The nurturer and hunter of the family now are at rest. And that is all OK.. change is good, everything has it’s season.. and life is full of valuable lessons though memories of LOVED ones!! ❤

"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” -Ecc 3:1

I pretty much keep to myself and my small family at home with my girls, my cats and (Bob later- as Bob always works on Thanksgiving- always has- always will- That’s his Dad’s and his tradition.) Its a show love through Works mentality alive and kicking! LOL

For me though, with the paradigm shift some years back I don’t make the traditional bird; I now prepare everything garden style- because I’ve always been the weaned child in Isa 11…a veg*an at heart- I am a back to the beginning believer, awaiting the return to Gods perfect plan and design.. Alleluia – Yes and AMEN!! 🙂

-“Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist. The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.The weaned child will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.”
-Isa 11:5-8

Our new tradition is that I either make a stuffed squash, or tofurky (tofu); however we do adopt a turkey every thanksgiving day.. this year was Cecelia, we send funds to keep her healthy and happy and alive. NO ONE EATS the Turkeys we protect! And my hopes are someday to meet her on the farm sanctuary in California.

For me to harm is not a way to show thanks, nor love…. in a world surrounded by violence and hate, and hurt and selfishness, I cannot and will not take part in it.. not in the tiniest form anymore, NOT if I can help it! When I asked God to teach me His ways, show me His thoughts and to break my heart for what breaks HIS..let me just say, ‘WOW, WISDOM, & OUCH!”

Jesus meant it when He said HE wishes for a “NO HARM MOUNTAIN” His HOLY mountain will not allow harm, and the will, desires and intentions of men (humans) hearts will be aligned with Gods, not ours, and there will be no more harm, hurt, selfishness, greed, or deception… and actually it is simply deception that is the culprit to ALL evil.. (which causes harm)!! I pray that deception be removed from our eyes, ears, minds and hearts!

They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.’- Isa 11:9hug a turkey

I guess what paradigmed it all for me – was knowing That in Gods deepest LOVE for ALL HIS CREATION, He wishes abundant LIFE.. He wishes that in HIS sweet Garden it is ALL LIFE! No death in our hearts, our bodies or even on our plates! God keeps it sweet and simple! ❤

Out of Thanks To God I WILL NOT Be spending this day fretting or worrying about timing of the meal, preparation of the meal, in a full house of chaos..but instead I am spending my day in prayer and fasting.. I will cook a small Tofurky meal for my family; however, I am not eating today, because when I prayed and asked God to send me His thoughts about today, (Keep in mind He also knows me thoroughly and as a good Daddy, speaks volumes to my heart)… He said, stay in prayer and fasting so that I can show you great and mighty things- In this as you allow me to purify your heart more and more and more.. 30,60, 100 fold… you just keep feeding my flock and keep leading their hearts to ME, in this- true relationship shall come forth and I can lead them to purity of heart- for it is in my Heart that ALL creation lives and through my design of NO HARM and GARDEN PURITY, They shall return and remain!

"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." -John 15:5

Sending blessings and thanks to you and yours, have a blessed day peeps! and be nice to the turkeys in your life.. family is forever! 😉 ❤ Diana xo