Archive | January, 2015

Living In Divine Health! <3

9 Jan

divine health

Health in Christ!

Hello peeps in Christ…

As I arose this morning I heard three words… “HEALTH IN CHRIST!”

So there ya go… blog written. YES & AMEN!!

okay, so I guess that won’t suffice a blog post.. so here goes some more blogging..

God keeps showing me rebellion leads to destruction because of ignorance.. and not the ignorance that means ‘No Knowledge of’ but the kind of ignorance that denies a good PROFOUND word and does not even take a moment to ponder and meditate on it. Gesh.. I pray we stop allowing Satan to keep us trapped in stupid and stubborn denial… (well I know I am NOT perfect and there is so much still to reveal to me, and there is still so much correction, discipline and spiritual growth to continue in me.. and to all that I say BRING IT!!)

But here is my “Godly anger” & “Righteous Indignation”… topic that is actually health and healing….back to…


So really what does that mean? hmmmm??? should we revert to the misinterpreted, improper, unhealthy, deceiving theology.. of “all things clean?” This is the scripture that lead me be a ministering health coach.. and yes that is what God ordained me to be.. I can remember the day God spoke to my heart as I was finishing up my studies in bible college and soon to graduate… I knew HE ordained me… and that no matter who laid hands on me and performed the ceremony that it would be HE, Christ that was ordaining me.. but here is the neato reality… I thought okay, I’m going fit into the five fold ministry somewhere and preach the gospel…. and I do fit into the fivefold ministry just fine, but I do not fit into a box, and I will always seek out The spirits truth in all things.. again I am not perfect, but I do take all things to Christ, do I always hear Him clearly? NO; Do I always surrender right away? NO.. but I realize that if I ‘stay in HIM’ and HIS loving embrace and trust that HE knows best, that He is my guide and He is my final authority on all matters, then by Golly.. He’s Got this… and He has me covered! ;)’

Back to the day I knew God called me His ‘Health Coaching Minister’.. He said, “Feed my sheep.” (& He repeated this three times)…-John 21:15-17

There I was at my church preparing communion and as always I would go into meditative prayer as I prepared each tiny cup of His blood (the wine&juice) and tore each tiny piece of His Body (the bread or manna cracker)… He said, “Preach divine health”! and with a HUGE revelation He showed me the sheet coming down… and showed me each and every animal- just as He did with Paul in Act 10.. (He also repeated this three times)..He showed me that each and every animal was clean and pure and all spirit and that every animal portrays a kind of position on this earth and that every animal has a purpose and He has a plan for each and everyone of them just as He does for us…and its always for a future and a hope. -Jer 29:11 and through this visual He showed me so much purity and LOVE;  I was endowed with purity and LOVE too at this very moment… the LOVE He felt for each and every little creature ..I felt fill my every cell… let’s just say there is NOT enough Words to explain the explosion I felt with in my heart! Through this vision He also showed me that this sheet was about removing a Vail; an improper way to see God’s people.. to see any as NOT (offered to be) Covered by His Plan of salvation. He was showing me that with each and every innocent animal- just like His Not so innocent mankind, He also has a personal position and plan.. and that is to be in His LOVE and (to those that have ears to hear  that they hear) and do HIS WILL.


With this plan His beginning and end purpose is to live forever in perfect harmony.. balance in all things, a right hearts position is the only thing going to “Show” us this plan. We must put our Heart in alignment with Him, His word and His NO harm position- everything else is mere carnal, UN-enlightened stubborn human position, so proper positioning is so important!

With all this enlightening mumbo jumbo 😉 .. I hear God once again encouraging me to continue to go ye therefore and preach what HE places upon my heart and may He continue to bring purity and love to me and my ministry. He has given me the opportunity to receive some of the most awesome and fulfilling education and experience possible. He has brought me to some really neato credentials.. LOL….with some really bright and enlightened instructors, professors, preachers, teachers,  doctors and gurus.. all whom I have the utmost respect for and I ‘bow to them’ in gratitude .. gleaning from each and everyone was and is such a blessing.. each and everyone placing a piece in my life’s puzzle into helping me become me and preach what God has given me; however I represent NO one though But Christ.. as it should be.. come into you and your calling through Christ.. awesomeness!!! 😀

I am certified, licensed and ordained into the five fold ministry, I went to a world renown bible college with Andrew Wommack ministries..I am a certified RAW nutritionist.. I went to the worlds Largest Nutritional school .. and studied under some world top experts such as Andrew Weil MD; Neal Banarnd, MD; Joel Fuhrman MD; Mark Hyman MD; Dr.Doug McDougal and many more…. I also took courses at another world renown nutritional school that covered more in debt studies toward my specialty study of interest.. “RAW healing nutrition and Body/mind health” ..with top experts also such as David Wolfe ( A super foods Guru and raw expert). and Lars Gustafsson (A respected visionary in the body transformation world of nutrition)..

Just as He did have me study in education and psychology.. I do know that He is bringing me to a deeper understanding by sending me out there.. wherever that may be… I go by His guidance, He is my guidance counselor. YES & AMEN!! I know this is all God because lets just say I was pretty much a dumb dumb child.. studies were extremely hard for me… but Through Christ I can be educated.. enlightened and CHANGED; and once something is ‘learned’ and a truth is imparted.. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO SPREAD THE NEWS! 🙂

I brag about nothing because without Him I am nothing and all I do would be in vain..

With this mornings word of “Heath in Christ” as opposed to “health in crises’ He showed me some serious truths and they do bring people back to the beginning and truly reveal lies and brings complete health and healing to ‘those that choose to see all things thorough His eyes.’

Read a Powerful statement last night: “When you shift from intellect to the spirit, you are bound to find a new way of life.” – Iyanla Vanzant

Here is the shift He made in me: “All things Clean” means all things pure and true in LOVE  & No part of creation is left out!

❤ No harm.. Namaste.. “all of me bows down to all of you!” ❤ Diana xo

p.s I never bow down to anyone in worship except Jesus, but I try to bow down to all peoples hearts- whether they be mislead or in proper alignment with God, or if they are seeking personal truths.. I attempt to bow down in respect … and this needs to be a reciprocated respect otherwise if one allows disrespect this enables a wrong hearts positions to be right. Sometimes we need to simply bow  out.. and go… let God deal with them.. and that’s the RAW truth!

*update on office space.. said no to both for the time being… but am still pondering on one of the offers… I feel lead to wait till I have established at least 12 new personal clients signed up in my 6 months program before I move ahead.

12 is a good disciplined number.. and my walk must continually consist of discipline in Christ.. Just read this…”Discipline is A Mark of Love.”

“My child, do not despise the LORD’S discipline, and do not resent His rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in. -Proverbs 3:11–12