Archive | February, 2015

Another Angry Mother!

18 Feb
Hello friends, family, guest and especially the naysayers…
angry mother

   I need to blog, this blog has been building up inside of me for weeks.. pretty  much since the ‘oh so scary measles fear fest!’ I am so done with all the scare tactics that are being used to fool good people, to separate good people and to bring out the ugliest side of many!

     I share this because being property informed and educated on a matter (with no profit involved) as opposed to fearfully using misdirected emotions as a foundation is crucial in the matter of our children’s health and future!
     As a VERY PROTECTIVE MOTHER, of three beautiful daughters that I feel have been vaccine injured to some degree and extent -it about drives me batty when ANYONE tries to tell me my experience,  what my kids need- or tries to place the ‘what if” fears on me! Please don’t base my decisions on someone else’s opinions! Opinions are invalid! Experience is real!
     Firstly, I don’t fear the ‘what ifs’ !!!  I have NEVER been on board with vaccines, there is  NOT one single health promoting ingredient in them, and if the theory that we can fool mother nature and become some kind of god .. savior .. and eradicate disease – I simply laugh! HAHAHAHAHA!! All that has been happening is that we are creating more strains of these diseases.. for example, My eldest received the Whooping couch vaccine.. and within 10 days came down with the whooping couch.. as I tried to explain to the ER nurses this situation they made this exact comment, “if she’s been recently vaccinated we cannot call it the whooping cough.. but it is re-termed ‘the croup’!” Their exact words.. you read that right.. they must re-term it! As a mother this ticks me off, since I’ve always said no to vaccines.. I was always told that they cannot attend school if they are not updated on ‘their’ vaccines! Sorry, but PLEASE don’t term something ‘theirs’ as if its a part of them, sadly they do become a part of them, a part that must now be detoxed out of them, so that they can grow and heal properly. Not to mention we are trading long term immunity for short term security. Our children actually need to Naturally come across things like chicken pox, mumps and measles to build fighter T cells towards future health … but don’t take my word for it- research for yourself!
      You will notice that I am not giving references.. because I am simply Blogging.. venting my side of the vaccine drama! Please do your own homework/research- I’ve been doing it for over 10 years now.. its eye-opening! Let me just say, False science is just  that- false science. I heard a nurse the other day say that she would NEVER vaccinate her children.. she stated that she would not place the trust of her children’s health to the ‘Geeks with the beakers.’ They are simply science geeks people… they are doing studies that they are told to do… following the protocol and coming up with one sided research that they are told to come up with… anyway.. as I see it they are nothing more than sorcerers practicing witch craft on our children. I love true science folks.. but I will not put the future of my children in the hands of the Mad vaccine Scientist! NO one can convince me otherwise! I just won’t and I should not be forced to!  NO one should! If we start messing with peoples rights especially when it comes to medical choices.. we are playing with fire.. Karma is not going to be pretty! The back lash that is going to come from this if it happens…
     I for one am ready to  have my lawyers working on it…
I am not a puppet to the government.. I’ve been on many slippery slopes.. so I know how to ride the slope.. and you should too!! The very fact that it must be forced already shows that it is WRONG!!
     There is no one size child nor health issue.. and if we mandate all children to be vaccinated those that have already been vaccine injured will only be worsened or worse killed! And let us not neglect all the lost lives due to vaccines! More than you realize! 😦 but of course they get denied. and put in the coincident explanation.
     Most non- vaxxers or ex-vaxxers have many serious reasons to deny what the rest of the world considers a must  have theory.The vaccine theory is drastically flawed! Noticed I did not use the term that the ‘pro-vaxxers’ name give us..the ‘antivaxxer’.. because we are not antivax as much as we are anti-toxin or in my case “anti-harm” As a Born again Vegan Christian and ‘DRUGLESS practitioner” all in which are just titles to what I believe in and the title is only placed there to highlight that I follow a “NO harm philosophy” and I try my darnedest to avoid drugs if I can help it.. and yes vaccines are drugs.. and animal protein cells, aborted human protein cells and a ton of toxins that do not belong purposely placed into me or my children. If someone believes in them, FINE! Go for it! But I do not have to follow the masses, nor do I have to share the same perception! My children- my life- my choice!
     Secondly, to use the Jenny McCarthy crap on me.. I laugh.. I for one feel her pain, but I do nothing, nor believe anything because of her.. I am me! I sure hope for God sake you are you and you make your choices based on solid unbiased facts.. and your very own experiences.! As a mothers intuition- if it is not diluted by double mined propaganda- will always be right! I truly hope all mothers do what they do for their children with proper motives and a pure heart with extensive research and prayers! I truly hope they don’t get tossed to and fro by every waive of doctrine out there. And I truly hope they don’t place one child about another!
     Like the mother that went on rampage because her infant caught the measles and she blamed the unvaxxed for it.. funny how that one was determined that it was the vaccine strain of the measles. Also the very fact that the with every case they can determine if it is caused by the vaccine strain or the wild strain.. another funny fact is that there  are over 30 something strains of measles and the vaccine only covers one; and the only thing these (so called outbreaks) prove is that the vaccine don’t work to well now does it?!! So tell me again why I should vaccinate? and please use something other than the ‘herd immunity’ myth! I’ve done my homework.. have you!? One must really use some better facts over misdirected emotions.. and don’t even try the eradicated theories.. or the third world crap either.. Third world countries need proper nutrition and clean water and air.. HYGIENE.. that is what has brought down outbreaks- NOT vaccines! Again don’t be fooled.. Polio is the least of our worries.. Research the man that created vaccines and how they tested them… Yup, do some homework.. You’d be appalled! o.O
     Speaking of Appalled –How about the ridiculous blog of the angry mother that had a young infant that “may have caught the measles” because there was a child in the same office that had them.. Firstly, there is NO proof that the child was unvaxed, secondly it wouldn’t really matter… the very fact that we bring our young infants and children to doctors offices or hospitals out side of emergencies is only asking for spread of illness;  its the breading ground for this.. avoid doctor visits unless totally necessary!
      You want to see an angry mother.. how about watching your child go backwards… because of vaccines.. how about watching her squeal in pain because of the HUGE lump in her leg at the vaccine site causing her to avoid crawling and creating such anxiety at the age of 6 months that it creates chronic constipation for years…  and then being  told by the doctor in His words “it was the vaccine toxin caught up in a fat cell and couldn’t be released”!  ( Okay as I study health & nutrition I know that autism (outside of many contributors and triggers) is toxic poisoning at the cellular level.. hmm.. almost sounds like a confession) As I watched her with each set of  vaccine appointment slow down even more.. being diagnosed  years later with ADD…. but told that the precious vaccine are not to blame! HOG WASH’ Aka: Bullshit!!! So NO she receives NO more since I realized I have rights to say NO!
     While were at it… Let us also talk about some of a few of the other articles that are going viral… like the little boy with leukemia pleading  that every one vaccinate: get your facts straight so that we don’t harm these children.. the immunocompromised patient would be harmed more than helped if everyone vaccinated their children. FYI to this plea…(comments) …”If every child in his school who is unvaccinated goes and gets the vaccines, he will be in danger from them. Anytime a new kindergarten year starts and all the kids just got vaccines, he will be in danger from them. Do not allow visits from people who have recently been vaccinated for smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox or intranasal flu vaccines. Who says this? St. Jude, John’s Hopkins, NICU doctors orders. Quarantine the recently vaccinated person for up to 6 weeks, especially from infants and pregnant women. Who says this? The pharmaceutical companies in the package inserts. Intranasal flu shot (flumist) showed shedding up to 28 days after administration. Where does this info come from? Testing reported in the package inserts. This child is in danger from all those people he is encouraging to vaccinate if they do go and get their vaccines. And his grandfather works for Glaxo Smith Kline, who was fined for the deaths of 14 infants in vaccine trials in Buenes Ares. Who better to speak out for pharmaceutical companies than a child who does not have a clue what he is speaking about. He is only speaking what his parents have told him to say.” – all of this saddens me, is a irrational and irresponsible disgrace!”
     May I  also quote a more responsible  mother that shares facts as opposed to emotions… she is also a mother of a child with Leukemia that was conveniently triggered right after she was caught up on her vaccines.. “Let’s get some facts straight about cancer treatment and infection. One of the first things we were warned about after my daughter’s diagnosis was live-virus vaccination. No one in the family was to receive a live-virus vaccine while my daughter was on treatment because these viruses can and do shed (1, 2, 3, 4), some for as much as four weeks (5), potentially infecting the immunocompromised patient with disastrous results. That includes the measles vaccine  (MMR II and ProQuad), the intranasal flu vaccine, and the chicken pox shot. In fact, my other children were able to get medical waivers not to receive vaccines because of my daughter’s illness. I know my child is much more likely to encounter a peer at school who has been recently vaccinated with a live-virus vaccine than she is to encounter natural disease from an unvaccinated child.”
     When will we see all the truths.. and stop calling one mother stupid because she dare question the Vaccine gods.  She is a responsible mother that after devastating experience and hours of research chooses what is best for HER child(ren).. should I lose my freedom because someone else wishes their opinions/ perceptions on me?! Were they there when my youngest had a seizure only days after her 12 month Checkup..  (I traded  short term chicken pox immunity for a seizure.).. and of course the doctors claim that it was simply coincidence!! “But of Course!”
     So NO- Absolutely NOT will she receives another single vaccine!! Will the ones mandating these vaccines be there if this happens again! Will they pick up my broken heart if it  does! Will they be willing to pay out for all damages to all the vaccine injured children?? (will get a lawyer working on that one too if need be!)
     Why is it so hard to understand that a mother KNOWS their children best? There are so many vaccine injured children out which are those that are now call the “anti’vaxxers“…because you know correlation does not equal causation….. tell that to those that blame the unvaccinated for spreading disease! Truly makes NO sense people; wake up and smell the Propaganda! Seriously, fear tactics should not be our foundation here! When will the bias B.S stop!?
     We live in a free country with Free choices! So sorry but my blood gets boiling when I see how many more vaccines are in the making; many, many more and when I see that ALL PEOPLE will be mandated against their own will to receive over and over again these nasty poison without a reason or proof that they even work! They truly have nothing to go on!  Oh, yeah the Scary “What ifs” and herd immunity myth! UGH! NO thanks! I live in a free country with free choices. I’m a Well informed, highly educated, and dedicated mother.. I study and work in the field of nutrition, I am a licensed minister and I am also an ethical  vegan.. all them are what I stand for, and to make me go against my very own ethics and morals because someone don’t agree with me and thinks I am to adapt to their perceptions and theories.. well they are sadly and sadistically WRONG!


I Also as an ANGRY mother.. plead with YOU- take care of  your own, mind your own and don’t put  me in YOUR BOX! It’s wrong; force is wrong and you are wrong if you choose to mandate me to go against my FREE WILL!!

     ~Signed Another Angry mother! :/