Self Healing- to “Heal Thyself!”

10 Apr

Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ And you will tell me, ‘Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.'” -Luke 4:23

heal thyself


Happy April peeps… I felt really led to take some writing time. Well needed too.

When I write it gets my thoughts down on paper.. I am in constant prayer or shall I say in constant connection with Christ, therefore my mind and heart are going 240 with answers to prayers, many revelations and tons of words of knowledge and wisdom.

I want to share a depressing moment for me.. I was sent an email last night; which was a return response to my next step in my holistic healing calling.. (I was about to say career); however, I know what God has gifted me in is not, nor ever going to be about a career but will always be about a calling.

Since I was a wee bitty thing, healing is all I wished to see, to do and to teach. I didn’t realize that this powerful care to see others healed and whole would be such a passion and desire for me. With such the passion to do away with suffering and disease.. and ugly, ugly deception.. God simple keeps me grounded in this all so cool yet, really anxious calling.

To those of you that have me as a facebook friend, you might be catching my every so often video’s I’ve been posting.. something God put on my heart a few years back, after I graduated from Bible college… He put it on my heart to simply share what ever He leads me to share.. I of course was not so quick to oblige His request. But with time and as the opportunity arises I do so …

I’m definitely not a professional .. I simply just pray myself up and meditate and let God use me.. a transparent vessel. “But of course” my curse of being an open book… Opps, I mean the gift of being an open book… πŸ˜‰

Healing is a huge topic that He leads me to discuss. I was speaking last on how God used me to pray life back into a man.. (Many of you might recall that- back in 2009). I did not get to speak on it… because my grand baby awoke from her nap.. but I will get back around to it soon. Maybe after spring break when the girls return to school.

Anywho.. back to the email.. as I have been working hard educating myself in the holistic health field – one of my main goals was to become a Gerson Certified Practitioner.. I was told I was a perfect candidate for the course.. however, the credentials are way more then I have received.. and I truly do not have the time, patience nor years to pull this off.. I was deeply discouraged.

Gerson is an all natural therapy to healing many, many diseases.. especially cancer.. and my heart is to see all diseases done away with.. but with all this education, (well way before I even started the education) God gave me visions.. and answers, plain and simple answers.. and it always leads back to the NO harm garden lifestyle for healing. Plant based nutrition is what is going to bring our bodies back into the proper pH balance and THIS IS THE HEALING WAY!!

So I simply KNOW that no matter what degrees I hold or don’t hold, God has ordained me to TEACH OTHERS THE MORE EXCELLENT WAY! Whether people choose to accept, believe and follow such the easy concept to health and healing is always going to be up to them!

But to all that choose to read this and believe this.. KNOW THIS.. there is really, truly only ONE disease – and that is “OVER ACIDITY” every disease stems from that! PERIOD!

Makes perfect sense… when ANY environment becomes too acidic fungus grows and things begin to rot.. disease and start to die…(or multiply the disease). The Simplest solution is to get back into balance.. Body, soul and Spirit. Remember food is not our only tool, but proper thoughts, proper lifestyle, proper relationships.. Stress is a killer too, and causes acidity.. so keep it in balance also!

STRESS is my major factor in all my health issues. I eat well, I pray well, I stay physically and spiritually feed, but my stress levels KNOCK me down often! So this is the best place to use my faith and fitness.. prayers, meditation, breathing, and yoga (or pilates) and rebounding are great to clean out the lymph system.. keep it clean- it is a major line of disease fighting defense…and for those that are missing their tonsils and/or appendix.. this is even more crucial. (I am missing both; hense why I am adamant to keep my lymph system flowing properly.)

Okay peeps, I just want to say, as Jesus said, “heal thyself’ is one of the most important statements He could ever teach; therefore that is what I too shall teach, and always remember that I am here to spread HIS LOVE and WISDOM!

I am not ashamed to say that I am a Jesus ordained health Guru.. what I spread, share and teach comes firstly from God through visions and words of wisdom.. straight from the source.. then I seek the education because I know He has sent me to do so. I trust HIM first, before I trust any part of the worlds systems or even people. Sorry that is just the way it is and the way I am keeping it! I will always put God first and trust the His revealing wisdom!

_And in that wisdom He is telling me to tell you to start LOVING thyself.. like only you can! With a surrender to this self healing.. God will lead you into Divine health!

Physically and spiritually!

Stay in proper pH… start with checking your pH levels today! I’m telling you- you will be surprised to see where you stand.. get to a healthy 7.0- 7.5 this is where all healing is.. NO disease can live in a properly alkaline body! Period!

God is NOT a God of confusion, and if one is saved- then that one is healed also! Both were completed at the Cross..So the question is ‘Why are we NOT seeing this healing?’ Well truth be told because we are NOT “healing thyself!”

Keep surrendering to HIS wisdom, and all the things He has already provided will start to flourish in our lives! YES & AMEN!

-All my ‘self-healing’ LOVE, ❀ Diana xo

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