Archive | May, 2015

Opportunities beyond all that you can ask or think…

29 May

“To know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us..” – Eph 3:19 & 20


Hello my darlings.. I am happy to announce that my bladder issue is at ease.. I did finally get into a Holistic practitioner. I had blood work drawn and diagnostic testing done in many unwanted arena’s and after finding some white blood cells in my urine I was put on two weeks worth of antibiotic and I am now feeling much better. Lets just say I’m taking a lot less potty breaks! Pain free potty breaks.. a total blessing! After 6 months of on and off pain it is nice to finally be at ease.

During these last three weeks though I was a wee bit anxious as they were concerned in the female areas.. they had small worries of cervical & breast cancer after exam. I knew that their concerns were valid due to my past history of endometriosis causing damage to all my female organs and the breast lump I have had for 13 years now .. but I also know my body and I know MY God.. so I sat in prayer and knew that HE was the LOVE that surpasses all human understanding. I knew I was in good hands.

I will be honest though I have NEVER had one good report in the past; I always had to go back in for second and third biopsies in which is the main cause of my incompetent cervix and the reason my darling babies must be sewn in my womb. I find it ironic how the worries and exams of the past are what continually cause for more concern and in all reality are the cause of the problem. I LOVE that Gods enlightenment within me leads me into taking my health into my own hands.. don’t get me wrong- I do know I will need the guidance and assistance from the medical field from time to time, but I also LOVE the truth that Jesus himself states that we are to heal thyself.. (through Him and His guiding wisdom. but of course.)…

When I got the call that all the exams came back excellent, my doctor explained, “just keep doing what you are doing, because it is working.” She credits a lot of my results to my plant base lifestyle.. and since I am a plant based nutritionist, a faith-filled believer and a mind/body and spirit holistic health coach.. I Know my main calling is to keep sharing and teaching ‘the More Excellent Way” so please do know that I have been in constant prayer as to where God wishes me .. and I do feel that He is aiming me to ‘step out in faith’ and go further … (secret destination in process.)..

Here is the sweet kicker.. just recently I announced or came to the conclusion that I should give up ‘health coaching’ and simply minister healing… (one in the same to me)… but my surrender was this.. I thought I’d step out of my own way and allow God to create in me a new heart towards all this.. I was feeling like a failure since my goal of 12 new clients was not met.. my 12 disciples are not yet chosen.. 😉 just kidding.. anyway after releasing my feelings of failure and staying open to Gods will…I asked this in prayer, “God, what do you want FROM me.. ” and it was as if not two seconds later the question was, “God, what do you want FOR me?” …. God simply wants our trust FROM us and in that He will give us what is Best FOR us.

Doors and opportunities are now flowing and opening.. and my health coaching is simply teaching others how to heal themselves through the body/mind/spirit connection.. and yes that falls into the category of Faith (God), Food (Nutrition) & Fitness.. (Action!)

So with a well to do… I will keep ya all informed as to the whens, ifs, where’s and whats about it.. 😉

In prayer about the ‘office’ situation… I have a GREAT offer.. standing steadfast in prayer… because I know when I Trust in God He gives me far more abundantly beyond all that I can possibly ask or think, according to the power that works within me…. beyond my human understanding! Thank God!! 🙂

Btw… I wish to share one holistic health nugget.. the best diet for endometriosis and any female issues is ‘A PLANT BASED DIET!” I truly wish someone would have shared that bit of excellent advice as a young teen.

Check out this link for anyone dealing or knowing anyone dealing with endo…

All my holistic healing LOVE, Diana 🙂