Ministry of Health!

31 Aug

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 1:2

Health Minister
Ministry of Health!
​ Hey Peeps, So long no write.. there is nothing I dislike more than not being able to write, it is my outlet, my mind clearing strategy, My meditative therapy; I do not even understand my own thoughts till I write them down.

How about you– what is your biggest dislike and what is your best outlet?

Well, I just need to share to get all this off my mind, spirit, soul and chest.

I will not be sending my writings via email anymore, unless you are a client or on my preferred email contact list, so that I can keep tract of the “who’s” of interest in my words of healthoaching ministry wisdom nuggets… LOL

Just a catch up note: I did finish up my Gerson Course only to feel Super Duper sad and disappointed. I know this therapy is the gold of healing, but our gosh darn country does not share it, nor insure it, so as I know this was a calling from God and not a career choice or adventure, I do know it will all be used in God’s perfect timing.. Most likely in my latter part of life somewhere in another country living off the land. 😉

I however, did not take the raw culinary course.. (which I still wish to do so)- but it was as if the PAUSE button has been pushed, and a yet again another awesome opportunity has crossed my path. and it is Called Health Minister training.. training to teach a specific ‘diet’ called the Hallelujah Diet (I also dislike the word ‘diet’ but it needs to be in ones heart as a LIFESTYLE, and a NUTRITIONAL therapy to living.) It just about covers every detail of my calling. It is a non-denominational Christian organization dedicated to teaching people that by simply changing to a plant-based, mostly living foods diet, we can be symptom-free of most diseases and many health-impacting conditions. It consist of A daily lifestyle of living, plant-based nutrition, hydration, exercise, rest, and spiritual nourishment creates the abundant life God intends for us. The Hallelujah diet follows the simple biblical teachings that There’s nothing in God’s original diet about eating the animals, milking them, or eating their eggs. In recent years, modern science is increasingly proving what the Bible had right all along. That is, a diet based on whole, plant-based, living foods in their natural state provides all the protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals the human body needs.

Any food we eat should provide nourishment that builds and heals our bodies, nothing harmful or harmed should be purposely put into our bodies.. (not a lecture) but a health ministers preaching there. LOL

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat [food].“ Genesis 1:29 (KJV)

So I am writing this quick note as to make sure to get out my August Word Press Blog. I also wanted to share with my contact list that if one is still interested in receiving my blogs and updates via email please send a reply email stating “YES”, and/ or simply friend me on Facebook and stay tuned.. I post my Blogs there.

I will share more info on with the Hallelujah diet.. Health Minister Training soon.

All My Health Ministering LOVE, ❤ Diana xo

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